Matching exclusively on Ticket #

Hi everyone,

Is it possible to match incoming email to RT exclusively on ticket
number? Right now we have subject tags in the form of [
#1234] and the “” portion needs to be present for RT to
correctly file the email under the associated ticket. Ideally, we’d like
to be able to have emails routed to the correct ticket based purely on
the unique ID of the ticket without any dependence on the $rtname setting.

I thought this might be possible via setting per queue Subject Tags but
now I’m less sure, and this would be a global setting so configuring it
per queue isn’t ideal. Of course, we’d also want to do it in a way that
doesn’t break any emails incoming using the “old form” if possible.
We’re running RT 4.0.8 if this helps.

Thanks for any advice!

Kind regards,
Samuel Leslie

Hi everyone,

Is it possible to match incoming email to RT exclusively on ticket number?
Right now we have subject tags in the form of [ #1234] and the
“” portion needs to be present for RT to correctly file the
email under the associated ticket. Ideally, we’d like to be able to have
emails routed to the correct ticket based purely on the unique ID of the
ticket without any dependence on the $rtname setting.

I thought this might be possible via setting per queue Subject Tags but now
I’m less sure, and this would be a global setting so configuring it per
queue isn’t ideal. Of course, we’d also want to do it in a way that doesn’t
break any emails incoming using the “old form” if possible. We’re running RT
4.0.8 if this helps.

Not sure what’s your goal is. It’s not clear from your email.

In case you want to change $rtname then there is option in config that
allows you to setup regexp for subject tag. Using this option you can
match new value and old value.

Thanks for any advice!

Kind regards,
Samuel Leslie

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Best regards, Ruslan.

Is it possible to match incoming email to RT exclusively on ticket
number? Right now we have subject tags in the form of [
#1234] and the “” portion needs to be present for RT to
correctly file the email under the associated ticket. Ideally, we’d like
to be able to have emails routed to the correct ticket based purely on
the unique ID of the ticket without any dependence on the $rtname setting.

Not checking that $rtname (or the equiv) matches and solely relying on a
ticket # is going to break horribly the first time your RT instance
talks to another RT instance in the wild. It’ll also break if someone
submits a ticket along the lines of “I have a problem with part #1234”.

There are some good reasons for distinguishing the ticket number with a
name tag.