I’ve just imported a MySQL 5.5 dump of our rt database, taken on a machine running Debian 8.11 (jessie), into MariaDB 10.1 on a new host running Debian 9.8 (stretch). I got through the exercise without errors (after making several adjustments to /etc/mysql/my.cnf on the new machine).
I’m a bit stuck with the following problem though: when I visit Admin, and then Queues in the web interface, my queues don’t appear. The log file says
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown column 'main.SortOrder' in 'order clause' at /usr/share/perl5/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm line 586.
If I click on the Name heading, all my queues then appear below that. At that point, I can then select a queue with the expected result. However if then try to change a setting - e.g. unticking “SLA enabled” - and then Save, the following (similar) error appears:
Queue special: SortOrder could not be set to 0. Queue special: SLADisabled could not be set to 1.
I’ve no clue how to proceed from here, any assistance would be greatly appreciated.