Manual source, manual/doc issues

I’ve browsed the wiki and FAQ and didn’t see much if anything on this;
please accept my apologies the answers to all these issues are out
there and I just missed it. And if putting up a ‘manual_meta’ page
on the wiki is the best way to proceed, I’ll happily do it.

We’re looking at RT for possible use for our in-house trouble ticket
system. Part of the decision process is the quality of the docs and
how we can maintain and modify them to match our local customizations
of RT.

Jesses comments on the list refer to a RTF format version of the
manual. Assuming this means ‘Rich Text Format’, I’d like to get my
hands on the draft manual source. If it doesn’t mean richtext, what
is the manual source written in?

There are a number of meta-issues about the manual and docs that probably
apply to more than just us. I’d be interested in folks’ opinions and
current or planned actions on any of the following:

Do you customize the docs to match your local customizations, and if
so, how?

Are the docs in any sort of source control system (CVS, bitkeeper,
subversion, etc)? Or is the wiki system the sum total?

Is there a plan for maintaining back-versions of the wiki manual for
those who stick with earlier versions (3.0) of RT?

On simultaneously tracking RT progress and RT customizations – how
do folks who’ve made localized versions of the docs keep their local
changes in sync with the broader flow?

FYI, don’t expect a whole lot of response from me immediately. I’m
pushing off for vacation tomorrow morning and won’t be reading email.

Advance thanks,

Steve Simmons

Jesses comments on the list refer to a RTF format version of the
manual. Assuming this means ‘Rich Text Format’, I’d like to get my
hands on the draft manual source.

AFAIK, this is the source for the draft manual which has been available
as PDF, and has now been moved to the wiki. I don’t think the RTF has
ever been published anywhere, so you’d have to ask Jesse for it.

Do you customize the docs to match your local customizations, and if
so, how?

No. However, I have a rather small group of users, most of which are
technical people (admins and devs), so I never felt the need for a
formal, site-specific manual.


Sebastian Flothow

Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.

AFAIK, this is the source for the draft manual which has been available
as PDF, and has now been moved to the wiki. I don’t think the RTF has
ever been published anywhere, so you’d have to ask Jesse for it.

A Wiki is great for on-line viewing, but for printing… it just
sucks :expressionless:

Is there a way to generate a nice TeX format from the wiki pages?


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