Make fixdeps stuck


I am setting up RT on a fresh Ubuntu machine and I am having some issues when I run make fixdeps to download all the missing dependencies.

starting new worker 52991
received TERM, sending TERM to all workers:52991
worker 52991 died, status:0
t/10-bindaddr.t ........ 1/? start_server (pid:52992) starting now...
starting new worker 52993
received TERM, sending TERM to all workers:52993
worker 52993 died, status:0
t/10-bindaddr.t ........ ok
t/11-specified-fd.t .... start_server (pid:52995) starting now...
socket is duplicated to file descriptor 0
starting new worker 52996
t/11-specified-fd.t .... 1/4 received TERM, sending TERM to all workers:52996
worker 52996 died, status:15
t/11-specified-fd.t .... ok
t/12-stop.t ............ start_server (pid:52998) starting now...
starting new worker 53001
t/12-stop.t ............ 1/2 stop_server (pid:52997) stopping now (pid:53000)...
received TERM, sending TERM to all workers:53001
worker 53001 died, status:15
t/12-stop.t ............ ok
t/13-unix-daemonize.t .. start_server (pid:53003) starting now...
starting new worker 53006
t/13-unix-daemonize.t .. 1/1 stop_server (pid:53002) stopping now (pid:53005)...
received TERM, sending TERM to all workers:53006
worker 53006 died, status:15
t/13-unix-daemonize.t .. ok
t/14-without-port.t .... start_server (pid:53008) starting now...
starting new worker 53009
t/14-without-port.t .... 1/2
#   Failed test at t/14-without-port.t line 29.
#                   ''
#     doesn't match '(?^m:^env: found$)'

#   Failed test at t/14-without-port.t line 30.
#                   ''
#     doesn't match '(?^m:^server_ports: empty$)'
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

It has been stuck here for a while. As I said all I have done is download the request tracker release then ./configure, make testdeps and then make fixdeps. Should I have installed something manually before running this? I have restarted ``make fixdeps``` and it does have some stuff downloaded so far, but if anyone has any insight it would be appreciated.

Failing tests when installing RT usually is a matter of Perl, not RT.

Which Perl module is failing? Sometimes they throw more info about required modules that must to be installed manually. I had to do it for some of them (I can’t remember which ones, I’m sorry).

Okay, after another hour of messing around with CPAN modules I was able to sort out the MySQL issue quickly by installing it manually but for the https it turns out I was missing zlib1g-de package for another module that is part of the https module. Installed that and the https module was able to install successfully.

Hi, Thanks for the reply. I was able to get past that issue and just have two missing dependencies now and I am not sure how to go from there.


CORE dependencies:
    LWP::Protocol::https ................................... MISSING

MYSQL dependencies:
    DBD::mysql >= 2.1018, != 4.042 ......................... MISSING

Perl library path for /usr/bin/perl:
make: *** [Makefile:281: fixdeps] Error 1

I have installed opensll-devel and libmysqlclient-dev in hopes that it would help from what I have read online but nothing has changed if you have any suggestions. Thanks

There are several ways to install Perl modules. I would use this command (I’m not an expert):

sudo cpan LWP::Protocol::https

Maybe it’s different for you. Check that in Ubuntu forums.

Thanks for the help. Got it all sorted, my replies were sent in the wrong order for some reason!