Make CC list persistent


I noticed that when a user creates a new ticket, the email addresses he specifies in the cc/AdminCC lists persist through the life of the ticket (unless they are modified by users with more powerful rights like ModifyTicket).

However, if the user (who has ReplyTicket right) wants to add additional email addresses to the cc list during a subsequent reply to the ticket, the changes made to cc only applies to that reply, not subsequent replies.

I could grant ModifyTicket to a regular user, but that’s too much power (I think) – I don’t want a regular user to be able to change Owner of the ticket, for example.

Is there another right that allows a ticket requester to make persistent changes to the cc list when replying to a ticket?




I noticed that when a user creates a new ticket, the email addresses he specifies in the cc/AdminCC lists persist through the life of the ticket (unless they are modified by users with more powerful rights like ModifyTicket).

However, if the user (who has ReplyTicket right) wants to add additional email addresses to the cc list during a subsequent reply to the ticket, the changes made to cc only applies to that reply, not subsequent replies.

I could grant ModifyTicket to a regular user, but that’s too much power (I think) – I don’t want a regular user to be able to change Owner of the ticket, for example.

Is there another right that allows a ticket requester to make persistent changes to the cc list when replying to a ticket?

This isn’t an issue of rights. If you reply to a ticket and specify a
Cc, it only applies to that transaction. If you want someone to begin
receiving all updates to a ticket via the Cc list, you need to add the
address in the People section of the ticket.

You could write an OnCorrespond scrip to do this though.

Andy Harrison


I forgot to mention that I (logged in as the Requestor) did try using People to modify the cc: list; but I got a Permission Denied error. The only users in the system that can do that currently are those that have been granted ModifyTicket right for that queue.


Pei-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Harrison []
Sent: Wed 12/8/2004 8:47 AM
To: Pei Ku
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Make CC list persistent

On Wed, 8 Dec 2004 08:08:09 -0800, Pei Ku <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed that when a user creates a new ticket, the email addresses he specifies in the cc/AdminCC lists persist through the life of the ticket (unless they are modified by users with more powerful rights like ModifyTicket).
> However, if the user (who has ReplyTicket right) wants to add additional email addresses to the cc list during a subsequent reply to the ticket, the changes made to cc only applies to that reply, not subsequent replies.
> I could grant ModifyTicket to a regular user, but that's too much power (I think) -- I don't want a regular user to be able to change Owner of the ticket, for example.
> Is there another right that allows a ticket requester to make persistent changes to the cc list when replying to a ticket?

This isn't an issue of rights.  If you reply to a ticket and specify a
Cc, it only applies to that transaction.  If you want someone to begin
receiving all updates to a ticket via the Cc list, you need to add the
address in the People section of the ticket.

You could write an OnCorrespond scrip to do this though.

Andy Harrison

Hmm… not sure if I understand the security concern you raised.

The effect I am trying to achieve is this:

  • I have a queue called “Applicatoin Service Queue”. The AppServe group works with developers and QA and IT and Client Services w/ issues like production application patches and upgrades, data loading, stage/test/dev environments management, etc.

  • Communication in this queue is generally of interest to many people in different groups. So when a user creates a ticket in the AppServQueue, the capabilities I’d like to give to users are the following:

a. Requestor can perform CreateTicket and ReplyToTicket in AppServQueue
b. Requestor can specify any number of RT users in the CC Watcher list upon ticket creation.
c. RT Users in the CC Watcher list for that particular ticket can see the ticket and ReplyToTicket (but nothing else)
d. Requestor may choose to add/delete people from the CC Watch list as the ticket progresses (ie, during the course of back-and-forth replies on the ticket, Requestor realizes more or less people should be made aware of the issues discussed in the ticket; Requestor then makes permanent changes to the cc list so all subsequent replies on the ticket are visible to the new list of cc’s)
e. The users/group that managed the AppServQueue can to anything to the tickets in that queue.

This is how I set up the rights to achieve the above:

a. In Global rights, grant CreateTicket, SeeQueue to Privileged role (currently, all RT users are company staff; all RT users are allowed see his requests and create requests in any queues)
b. When a user creates a new ticket, he can specify any number of other RT user email addresses in cc; and that list of cc:'s seems to persist during the life of the ticket (in fact, the little comment in paren for the cc: field states that fact). This ability seems to part of CreateTicket.
c: In Global rights, grant ReplyToTicket and ShowTicket to the role CC ; btw, same rights are granted to Requestor (so he can reply to and see his own requests)
e. I have a group (AppServGroup) that have been granted a bunch of rights on the queue, including ModifyTicket. This is the only group of users that can modify CC (via People) permanently for a given ticket currently (I think the capability is part of the ModifyTicket right).

The workaround right now is to have AppServGroup make permanent changes to People.


PeiFrom: Jesse Vincent []
Sent: Wed 12/8/2004 9:48 AM
To: Pei Ku
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Make CC list persistent

> Hi,
> Is there another right that allows a ticket requester to make
> persistent changes to the cc list when replying to a ticket?

The danger with that is that a malicious user could forge ticket
correspondence to get themself cced on potentially private tickets.


> thanks
> Pei
> _______________________________________________
> Be sure to check out the RT wiki at

IMHO you didn’t read Request Tracker Wiki
AFAIK: Only ModifyTicket do what you want.

Pei Ku wrote:

IMHO you didn’t read Request Tracker Wiki
AFAIK: Only ModifyTicket do what you want.

Yeah, looks that way

You’d have to do some sort of custom Modify.html form where you
changed to and form a user with sufficient rights.

my $old_user = $ticket->CurrentUser;
$ticket->CurrentUser( $RT::SystemUser );

$ticket->CurrentUser( $old_user );

Andy Harrison

Andy Harrison wrote:>On Wed, 8 Dec 2004 08:08:09 -0800, Pei Ku wrote:


I noticed that when a user creates a new ticket, the email addresses he specifies in the cc/AdminCC lists persist through the life of the ticket (unless they are modified by users with more powerful rights like ModifyTicket).

However, if the user (who has ReplyTicket right) wants to add additional email addresses to the cc list during a subsequent reply to the ticket, the changes made to cc only applies to that reply, not subsequent replies.

I could grant ModifyTicket to a regular user, but that’s too much power (I think) – I don’t want a regular user to be able to change Owner of the ticket, for example.

Is there another right that allows a ticket requester to make persistent changes to the cc list when replying to a ticket?

This isn’t an issue of rights. If you reply to a ticket and specify a
Cc, it only applies to that transaction. If you want someone to begin
receiving all updates to a ticket via the Cc list, you need to add the
address in the People section of the ticket.

You could write an OnCorrespond scrip to do this though.

Good morning,

When searching the archives for a resolution to my current problem I
came upon this thread. The remainder of this thread is not relevant, but
this particular message seems to be. My situation is this: I would like
to have email addresses added permanently to the Cc list when they are
specified during the reply to ticket transaction. You mentioned that
this would be possible using an OnCorrespond scrip. Since my scripting
skills are weak, I was hoping you could give me an idea of what such a
scrip would look like, or possibly point me to an example I could work
from. I looked through the wiki and did not find information on this
particular issue.

Thanks for your help,
Ben Fineman

Benjamin J. Fineman
System Administrator

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