Mail Gateway and Queues

I have been setting up RT and RT IR during the last day. Everything is up and running, however I am having some difficulties in getting the Queues to work.


External Email → RT IR Email Address → Postfix → RT Queue → Web UI

I am using postfix and all is working great by default (No RT integration, so email defiantly works).
I have set postfix virtual and alias files to work with the rt-mailgate pipe command. However, no email messages are presented back into the web ui and queues.

Herewith my configs:


See man 5 aliases for format

postmaster: root
#incident: “|/opt/rt4/bin/rt-mailgate --queue incidents --action comment --no-verify-ssl --url http://removed/

Do I need to add any additional configurations in order for mail to be send to the queue?

This happens to me everytime: Did you run newaliases ?