Mail from RT desnt reach requestors

hi RT users,

i see a unique issue in my RT - when a ticket is crreated, the auto-ack
message doesnt reach the requestor, nor any of the admin-ccs.

when i look in the RT logs, i see that RT has sent the mails to the
requestors and the admin cc’s but the mail deosnt reach any of these

its not the mail server config because its working well. i also no RT
related errors in the maillog.

RT: 3.0.10
RHEL AS 3.0, 2.4.21-EL
MySQL 4.0
Perl 5.8.0

Please advise what the problem might be.



when i look in the RT logs, i see that RT has sent the mails to the
requestors and the admin cc’s but the mail deosnt reach any of these

its not the mail server config because its working well. i also no RT
related errors in the maillog.


You say the RT log says the mail is sent. Is there anything in your
maillogs. I suspect your answer lays there.