Mail down?

To all,

I haven't received one email today from rt-users. Is it down?
I was wondering if there was a way to keep RT from putting users in the 

USERS table when the cc (others) email address was incorrectly typed. I
found a bunch of records that were obviously wrong. I’m sure they never
received their copy in email and it had to be resent. Thanks.


Hi Kenn,

I don’t think the system is down. But it looks like the majority of
users of this list are living in Europe. And since Good Friday is very
big holiday in Europe, I guess a lot people are not going to work or
even checking their email.

Ohh, by the way, I can’t help you with your issue… sorry.

Have a great Easter weekend.

RobertOn Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 3:47 PM, Kenneth Crocker wrote:

To all,

    I haven't received one email today from rt-users. Is it down?
    I was wondering if there was a way to keep RT from putting users in the

USERS table when the cc (others) email address was incorrectly typed. I
found a bunch of records that were obviously wrong. I’m sure they never
received their copy in email and it had to be resent. Thanks.


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