Logout with mod_auth_cas


Have you got some errors in the files .log (apache and rt) when you try to create user, groups and queue?

What do you use for authentication?


Anyway Alex i just used v.4.4.1 but i got this forgery appeared whenever i create users.

Please see attached file

Could you show me your file RT_SiteConfig.pm ?

Hi alex,

This is my Settings


What do you use for authentication?

Hi Alexandre,

RT 4.4.1 works well with mod_auth_CAS, but when i upgrade to 4.4.2, i have the same problem when i use AuthCASimple …
When I log out, I have logout page of RT and I’m not redirected to the logout page of my CAS.
And I come back to RT, I’m log in automatically.

Do you upgrade in 4.4.2 ?


No, I don’t.
I have a rule :wink: : If it works, if there is no security risk and I don’t need new features, I don’t update


I am working with Mr Lebegue on setting up RT.
Is it possible to get Apache configuration files in mod auth_cas



auth_cas.conf :
CASCookiePath /var/cache/httpd/mod_auth_cas/
CASLoginURL https://sso.xxx.xx/cas/login
CASValidateURL https://sso.xxx.xx/cas/serviceValidate
CASDebug Off
CASVersion 2
CASSSOEnabled On