Logged out when requesting a ticket page

Hi all,

I upgraded an rt4 system manually for testing reason and imported a database from an 3.8.8 installation. Apart from the DB and the RT_SiteConfig.pm no changes/customizations have been done yet.

I use Apache and mod_perl with the simple config:

### Optional apache logs for RT ErrorLog /opt/rt4/var/log/apache2.error TransferLog /opt/rt4/var/log/apache2.access LogLevel debug

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

DocumentRoot “/opt/rt4/share/html”
Alias /NoAuth/Images/ /opt/rt4/share/html/NoAuth/images/

Order allow,deny Allow from all
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlResponseHandler Plack::Handler::Apache2
  PerlSetVar psgi_app /opt/rt4/sbin/rt-server
use Plack::Handler::Apache2; Plack::Handler::Apache2->preload("/opt/rt4/sbin/rt-server");

After logging in I can access all pages (e.g. http://rt2.abc.de/Search/Simple.html) apart from ticket pages. The ticket pages have a URL like http://rt2.abc.de/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=17274, with /rt as a first directory.
When requesting a ticket page I’m kicked out and have to log in again with a session ID in the URL like http://rt2.abc.de/NoAuth/Login.html?next=becffd2d0918f5b194bfa32b686bd851. When trying to login on that page I receive a new login page with a new session ID.

Any hints what I missed?

Best regards,

Hi all,

I upgraded an rt4 system manually for testing reason and imported a database from an 3.8.8
installation. Apart from the DB and the RT_SiteConfig.pm no changes/customizations have been
done yet.
After logging in I can access all pages (e.g. [1]http://rt2.abc.de/Search/Simple.html) apart
from ticket pages. The ticket pages have a URL like
[2]http://rt2.abc.de/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=17274, with /rt as a first directory.

When requesting a ticket page I’m kicked out and have to log in again with a session ID in the
URL like [3]http://rt2.abc.de/NoAuth/Login.html?next=becffd2d0918f5b194bfa32b686bd851. When
trying to login on that page I receive a new login page with a new session ID.

How are you getting to the Ticket page?
Did you have WebPath set in your 3.8 install?
Did you have a customized search format?
Please provide your sanitized RT_SiteConfig.pm



How are you getting to the Ticket page?
By clicking on a ticket on the dashboard.

Did you have WebPath set in your 3.8 install?
Yes, I set it in my 3.8 install.

Did you have a customized search format?

Please provide your sanitized RT_SiteConfig.pm
Here’s my config:

[root@debian ~]# cat /opt/rt4/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm
my $zone = “UTC”;
$zone=/bin/cat /etc/timezone
if -f “/etc/timezone”;
chomp $zone;
Set($Timezone, $zone);


Set($rtname, ‘rt2.abc.de’);
Set($Organization, ‘abc.de’);

Set($CorrespondAddress , ‘rt@rt2.abc.de’);
Set($CommentAddress , ‘rt-comment@rt2.abc.de’);


#Set($WebPath , “/rt”);
Set($WebDomain , “rt2.abc.de”);


generated by dbconfig-common

Set($DatabaseType, “mysql”);

Set($DatabaseHost, ‘localhost’);
Set($DatabasePort, ‘’);

Set($DatabaseName , ‘rt3’);
Set($DatabaseUser , ‘rt3’);
Set($DatabasePassword , abc);

Set($WebDefaultStylesheet , “aileron”);

Set($RTAddressRegexp , ‘^help(-comment)?@rt2.abc.de$’);

#Disables Mason caching - slows down the server
#Deactivate (‘0’) it in production environment
Set($DevelMode, ‘1’);

Set($LogoURL, “/NoAuth/images/logo_ev.jpg”);
#Set($WebImagesURL , “/rt/NoAuth/images/”);
Set($LogoLinkURL, ‘http://abc.de’);
Set($LogoAltText, “”);
Set($LogoImageWidth, 75);
Set($LogoImageHeight, 38);
Set($DefaultSummaryRows, 30);
Set(%GnuPG, Enable => 0);
Set($DefaultQueue, “abc”);
Set($MaxInlineBody, 40000);
Set($LogToSyslog , ‘debug’);

Best regards,


How are you getting to the Ticket page?
By clicking on a ticket on the dashboard.

So, the link in the dashboard contains the erroneous /rt ?

Is this a search that you customized at some point back in 3.8 when
you were using /rt ?

If so, you will need to edit it in the Advanced tab to fix the
hardcoded /rt and replace it with WebPath



So, the link in the dashboard contains the erroneous /rt ?
Is this a search that you customized at some point back in 3.8 when you were using /rt ?
If so, you will need to edit it in the Advanced tab to fix the hardcoded /rt and replace it with WebPath

Yes, that’s it. Thank you!
