Links and Tickets and Actions, Oh My!

Can someone please help me get my head around how linking tickets in RT 2

We appear to have kinds of links:

  • Parent/Child
  • Depends On/Depended On
  • Related to
  • Merge

I wouldn’t have included merge, if I hadn’t read some old discussions on the
subject in the RT-Devel archives.

What I would like to know about each link type is:
Does this link type cause a change in how a ticket acts (eg, do any special
constraints or side effects closing a ticket apply as a result of this link)
? How?

I got the impression that it is possible to tie Actions to link types. I’m
really fuzzy on how this would work. Is this how particular behaviours are
associated with a link type?

Does anyone have a Linking for Dummies doc?


Quoting Swayne, Mark A (

Can someone please help me get my head around how linking tickets in RT 2

We appear to have kinds of links:

  • Parent/Child
  • Depends On/Depended On
  • Related to
  • Merge

I wouldn’t have included merge, if I hadn’t read some old discussions on the
subject in the RT-Devel archives.

What I would like to know about each link type is:
Does this link type cause a change in how a ticket acts (eg, do any special
constraints or side effects closing a ticket apply as a result of this link)
? How?

I got the impression that it is possible to tie Actions to link types. I’m
really fuzzy on how this would work. Is this how particular behaviours are
associated with a link type?

I’ve asked myself the same questions. These links look really cool, but
I looked through the archives of this list (only a recent subscriber)
and found some postings (sorry no URL’s) that there was nothing more
behind these links. A quick look through the code pointed in the same
direction (i.e. code to manage all the links, but no actions coupled to

P.S. I hope I’m very wrong on this and someone explains us all the magic
:slight_smile: behind these links.
