I’m testing RT 5.0.1 with IR 5.0.1 and have setup one new queue with lifecycle incident reports
Queue ‘incident reports’ is used to retrieve all tickets from AlienVault and linking tickets is fine
Queue ‘Customers’ with lifecycle ‘incident reports’ is for retrieve tickets sent by customers by email, the tickets are created but when i try to link the tickets to a incident it does not show up in the incident (probably because ‘incidents’ queue does not have ‘Customers’ queue in display)
(and in the ticket 'incident nºxxx shows up)
Is there a way around these ? maybe add a queue to ‘incidents’ ?
Reports from other Queues linked to Incident aren’t visible in Incident Reports portlet (Incident Reports link → XXX /RTIR/Incident/Children/?Lifecycle=incident_reports&id=2444314 indicates that there should be tickets with lifecycle of incident_reports). Another queue has Lifecycle set as incident_reports.
I’ve added below code to RT_Config.pm but unfortunately it doesn’t show linked tickets from other queues.
Joining the thread, I have a question
I modify the “LinkedQueuePortlets” options, the icons for “Create” and “Linki” to the Incident have disappeared. How can I fix this?