Link tickets from a different queue


I’m testing RT 5.0.1 with IR 5.0.1 and have setup one new queue with lifecycle incident reports

  • Queue ‘incident reports’ is used to retrieve all tickets from AlienVault and linking tickets is fine
  • Queue ‘Customers’ with lifecycle ‘incident reports’ is for retrieve tickets sent by customers by email, the tickets are created but when i try to link the tickets to a incident it does not show up in the incident (probably because ‘incidents’ queue does not have ‘Customers’ queue in display)
    (and in the ticket 'incident nºxxx shows up)

Is there a way around these ? maybe add a queue to ‘incidents’ ?

Thanks !

Hello, I’ve got the same problem.

Reports from other Queues linked to Incident aren’t visible in Incident Reports portlet (Incident Reports link → XXX /RTIR/Incident/Children/?Lifecycle=incident_reports&id=2444314 indicates that there should be tickets with lifecycle of incident_reports). Another queue has Lifecycle set as incident_reports.

I’ve added below code to but unfortunately it doesn’t show linked tickets from other queues.

Set( %LinkedQueuePortlets, (
        'Incident' => [
                { 'Incident Reports'    => [ 'All' ] },
                { 'Investigations'      => [ 'All' ] },
) );

I’ve got this problems in RT Version 5.0.1beta1 and 5.0.4.

Can anybody help us? :wink:

This allows you to display tickets from another queue, e.g. “New Queue”.
Besides, you have an error, the queue is called Incidents

Set( %LinkedQueuePortlets, (
    'Incidents' => [
        { 'NewQueue' => [ 'All' ] },

Joining the thread, I have a question
I modify the “LinkedQueuePortlets” options, the icons for “Create” and “Linki” to the Incident have disappeared. How can I fix this?