Lifecycle is missing in %Lifecycles config

Hi all.

Any idea about this issue? In which log could i check out why it’s appear a null value in lifecycle, as i do this upgrade as i’l ever do, three times yet?


I wonder if we’re looking in the wrong place here kids. The original warning was from line 648 of RT::Lifecycle which on my 5.0.7 test install is a bit of code that looks like this:

eval {
            local $RT::Logger = Log::Dispatch->new;
            @lifecycles = grep { defined } RT::Queues->new( RT->SystemUser )->DistinctFieldValues( 'Lifecycle' );
        unless ( $@ ) {
            for my $name ( @lifecycles ) {
                unless ( $map->{$name} ) {
                    warn "Lifecycle $name is missing in %Lifecycles config";
                    push @WARNINGS, loc( "Lifecycle [_1] is missing in %Lifecycles config", $name );

So I think looking the Lifecycle config is a bit of a red herring: I suspect that you have a queue somewhere in your RT installation that has a null lifecycle attached to it. Probably the easiest way to spot this would be to pop into your rt5 database and execute the query:

select * from Queues where Lifecycle = "";

Dear GreenJimll

Thank’s for your answer!
I do the check of my database, and found that i have 0 queues that have a ‘’ lifecylcle value:

rt5=> select * from queues where lifecycle = '';
 id | name | description | correspondaddress | commentaddress | lifecycle | subjecttag | sortorder | creator | created | lastupdatedby | lastupdated | sladisabled | disabled 
(0 rows)

But 5 with a NULL value:

rt5=> select * from queues where lifecycle IS NULL;
 id |  name   |                   description                   |     correspondaddress      |       commentaddress       | lifecycle |              subjecttag              | sortorder | creator |       created       | lastupdatedby |     lastupdated     | sladisabled | disabled 
  4 | UUAB    | Ticket UUAB                                     |    |    |           |                                      |         0 |      12 | 2012-03-13 23:37:20 |            12 | 2021-02-22 22:14:17 |           1 |        1
  1 | General | The default queue                               |                            |                            |           | La usaremos para probar el uso de RT |         0 |       1 | 2012-03-10 00:39:16 |            12 | 2021-02-25 16:52:14 |           1 |        1
  5 | UUSMD   | ticket para uusmd                               |   |   |           |                                      |         0 |      12 | 2013-04-30 17:23:17 |            12 | 2021-02-25 17:05:02 |           1 |        1
  6 | USMB    | Unidad de Secuenciación Masiva y Bioinformática |  |    |           |                                      |         0 |      12 | 2015-05-18 17:00:21 |            12 | 2023-03-01 17:47:52 |           1 |        0
  3 | Cluster | Ticket para cluster                             | | |           |                                      |         0 |      12 | 2012-03-13 23:36:35 |            12 | 2023-10-27 15:52:39 |           1 |        0
(5 rows)

With our help, and thinking more, i check the production server, and found this message in the log of apache server, every time someone connect to it:

[560663] [Tue Dec 10 15:50:23 2024] [warning]: Use of uninitialized value in lc at /opt/rt5/share/html/Elements/QueueSummaryByLifecycle line 121. (/opt/rt5/share/html/Elements/QueueSummaryByLifecycle:121)
[560663] [Tue Dec 10 15:50:23 2024] [warning]: Use of uninitialized value in lc at /opt/rt5/share/html/Elements/QueueSummaryByLifecycle line 67. (/opt/rt5/share/html/Elements/QueueSummaryByLifecycle:67)
type or paste code here

So i thought that the problem exists since the 5.0.1 upgrade, but never pop up to my eyes. With this new version of RT, that appears…

WHat i do was simply define as “default” the lifecycle of every queues defined as NULL. And after this correction, the warning message disapears!

I do this check several time to be sure that is correct the problem.

I will thank you all of you that help me in finding this source of error!


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