What is the possibility of using LDAP with RT2?
I have put together an authentication system (OpenLDAP, SASL, Kerberos) working
toward a single sign-on system. It would be nice if I could tell RT to look to
the authentication system to log the user on. Any thoughts?
cseward.vcf (356 Bytes)
It’s definitely doable. The ‘easiest’ way might be to modify the web ui
to use apache’s auth mechanism and configure apache to use your local
single signon stuff with apache. I believe I forwarded a modification of
autohandler which does this (ivan wrote it) to rt-devel sometime in the last
-jOn Thu, May 24, 2001 at 04:17:51PM -0400, Christopher A. Seward Sr. wrote:
What is the possibility of using LDAP with RT2?
I have put together an authentication system (OpenLDAP, SASL, Kerberos) working
toward a single sign-on system. It would be nice if I could tell RT to look to
the authentication system to log the user on. Any thoughts?
jesse reed vincent – root@eruditorum.org – jesse@fsck.com
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“Mary had a crypto key / She kept it in escrow
And everything that Mary said / The Feds were sure to know” – Sam Simpson