LDAP attr_match vs multiple values

just a quick doubt/verification.

We have RT::Authen::ExternalAuth and RT::Extension::LDAPImport. Our
matching array is as follows:

  'attr_map'                  =>  {   'Name' => 'uid',
                                                                                         'EmailAddress' => 'mail',
                                                                                         'Organization' => 'o',
                                                                                         'RealName' => 'cn',
                                                                                         'ExternalAuthId' => 'uid',
                                                                                         'Gecos' => 'gecos',
                                                                                         'WorkPhone' => 'telephoneNumber',
                                                                                         'Address1' => 'ou',
                                                                                         'City' => 'l',
                                                                                         'State' => 'st',
                                                                                         'Zip' => 'postalCode',
                                                                                         'Country' => 'co'

We happen to have two entries called ‘ou’ in any entry so this doesn’t
seem to work.
Is that possible by any kind of ou[0] array syntax?


Giuseppe Sollazzo
Senior Systems Analyst
Computing Services
Information Services
St. George’s, University Of London
Cranmer Terrace
London SW17 0RE

Email: gsollazz@sgul.ac.uk
Direct Dial: +44 20 8725 5160
Fax: +44 20 8725 3583

just a quick doubt/verification.

We have RT::Authen::ExternalAuth and RT::Extension::LDAPImport. Our
matching array is as follows:

 'attr_map'                  =>  {   'Name' => 'uid',
                                                                                        'EmailAddress' => 'mail',
                                                                                        'Organization' => 'o',
                                                                                        'RealName' => 'cn',
                                                                                        'ExternalAuthId' => 'uid',
                                                                                        'Gecos' => 'gecos',
                                                                                        'WorkPhone' => 'telephoneNumber',
                                                                                        'Address1' => 'ou',
                                                                                        'City' => 'l',
                                                                                        'State' => 'st',
                                                                                        'Zip' => 'postalCode',
                                                                                        'Country' => 'co'

We happen to have two entries called ‘ou’ in any entry so this
doesn’t seem to work.
Is that possible by any kind of ou[0] array syntax?

If Net::LDAP’s get_value understands it, it should work.
If Net::LDAP’s get_value returns a list for ou, it’ll try to get the first element.
