Launch a new Investigation - and sending mail

Dear RTIR users,
While paying around mith RTIR, I come up with a question, which someone of
you may explain me: When I lauch a new investigation in an incident, the
actual lauch does not send an email to the correspondents I entered. Any
further replys work as expected, but I don’t see any reason, why the
initial launch does not send the email.

From the investigation point of view I would expect to send an email as the
beginning of the investigation.

Many thanks for your help.

- Peter

_______ SWITCH - The Swiss Education and Research Network ______
Peter Haag, Security Engineer, Member of SWITCH CERT
PGP fingerprint: D9 31 D5 83 03 95 68 BA FB 84 CA 94 AB FC 5D D7
SWITCH, Limmatquai 138, CH-8001 Zurich, Switzerland
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