Laguage access

HI All

Could you tell me if it’s possible to logon to RT without using the set-up
in Web browser.(We support French and English). The user can select the
working language)

Thanks for your help

Réjean Chartier

Directeur Centre d’expertise et de support SAP

Director SAP Consulting and Support Center

Via Consultants Inc.

SAP Professionals Across Canada

261 rue Saint-Jacques, 5eme Etage

Montreal, Que, H2Y 1M6

Tel: 1-514-494-3262

Cel: 1-514-605-6200

Fax: 1-514-494-2665

Free: 1-888-VIA-3227

google for “Language selection UI implemented” there was patch in
rt-devel list
Rejean Chartier wrote:

Hi All,

That would be the following messages:

and then

But it doesn’t seem to be part of version 3.0.5.

Will this be part of the standard RT? If so, starting from what version?

Also, as what was mentioned in the second message, Templates are not
language dependant, so an installation that deals will more than one
language will have a problem with the templates since they are not language

Any idea if language dependent templates based on user language preference
will be part of standard RT?

Thanks in advance,
Real-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Ruslan U. Zakirov Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 12:41 PM To: Rejean Chartier Cc: Subject: Re: [rt-users] Laguage access google for “Language selection UI implemented” there was patch in rt-devel list Rejean Chartier wrote:

HI All

Could you tell me if it’s possible to logon to RT without using the
set-up in Web browser.(We support French and English). The user can
select the working language)

Thanks for your help

Réjean Chartier

Directeur Centre d’expertise et de support SAP

Director SAP Consulting and Support Center

Via Consultants Inc.

SAP Professionals Across Canada

261 rue Saint-Jacques, 5eme Etage

Montreal, Que, H2Y 1M6

Tel: 1-514-494-3262

Cel: 1-514-605-6200

Fax: 1-514-494-2665

Free: 1-888-VIA-3227

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