Label "owner" with something other than username?

I’m experimenting with RT 3.4.5 (just trying it out - not “in
production” yet). I want to use it in conjunction with the
Universities existing single-sign-on authentication solution (Stanford
WebAuth), and I’ve got external authentication working okay.

My problem is that the usernames allocated by the central authority
are rather opaque and impersonal. With a large-ish team I think staff
would have problems allocating jobs to the correct person or
understanding who is currently working on stuff.

Is there any way that I can change the web interface to indicate
ownership of jobs (and populate the change ownership drop-downs, etc)
using nicknames, real names or email addresses instead of (or as well
as) usernames?

Neil Hoggarth ------------------- Computing Manager, Sherrington Building
Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics - University of Oxford, UK

Is there any way that I can change the web interface to indicate
ownership of jobs (and populate the change ownership drop-downs, etc)
using nicknames, real names or email addresses instead of (or as well
as) usernames?

Have a look at $RTROOT/html/Elements/SelectOwner
I’m not sure how the authentication affects this, but you should be able to
change what’s shown in the drop-down box by altering the text to suit your
needs around:

 46 <select name="<%$Name%>">
 47 %if ($DefaultValue) {
 48 <option <% !$Default ? "SELECTED" : '' %>

49 %}
50 %foreach my $User ( @users) {
51 <option <% ($User->Id == $Default) ? “SELECTED” : ‘’%>
52 %if ($ValueAttribute eq ‘id’) {
53 value=“<%$User->id%>”
54 %} elsif ($ValueAttribute eq ‘Name’) {
55 value=“<%$User->Name%>”
56 %}
57 ><%$User->Name()%>
58 %}

Don’t forget to place the file in $RTROOT/local/html/Elements instead of the
normal html directory, and when you change the file, you’ll need to restart
apache for mason to clear it’s cache and notice things have changed.

With regards to the other locations the username is displayed, it depends
which you want to change, but you’ll be looking in:

html/Ticket/Elements/ShowUserEntry line 48
html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransaction lines 57

For an idea of what the other fields are called, have a look at the perldoc
for RT::User, but as I say, I don’t know how your external authentication
affects things though.
You may also want to change the default fields showing when you search by
looking at files in the html/Search/ directory

You might also want to try experimenting with RT 3.6.1. It doesn’t offer
much in the way of new features, but it will be easier when it comes to
upgrading to the 3.6 series for your users as they won’t have to adjust to
it’s vastly different looks.

Hope this helps,


Andrew Nicols