Jumbo update fails to change links at top right

RT 3.2.0
Perl 5.8.3
Solaris 9
Apache 1.3.31
Tested with Firefox 0.9.1 and IE 6

Click into a ticket and then click ‘Jumbo’
Change status to resolved, owner to anyone and click ‘Save Changes’
Ticket status links at top right change from ’ Reply | Resolve | Open
| Take | Comment | Extract Article’ to ’ Reply | Open | Comment |
Extract Article’
Now if you then click on ‘Display’ on the far left to go back to the
main ticket view the options change back to ’ Reply | Resolve | Open |
Take | Comment | Extract Article’ even though the ticket is now owned
and resolved.

Going back to ‘Home’ and then viewing the ticket again via search
shows the proper links.