Is this ./configure script for installing RT with Oracle right?

Hi all,
I am trying to configure RT with Oracle database but got an error
stating :

DSN component ‘example’ is not in ‘name=value’ format at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/i686-linux/ line 598.
DSN component ‘muddev1’ is not in ‘name=value’ format at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/i686-linux/ line 598
DBI connect(‘muddev1;port=1521’,‘rt2’,…) failed: Can’t connect using
this syntax without specifying a HOST and a SID at
//usr/local/rt_dev/rt/sbin/rt-setup-database line 101

When I checked the line (i.e.101) which gave the error in
sbin/rt-setup-database file, which is :
$dbh = DBI->connect( get_system_dsn(), $args{‘dba’},
$args{‘dba-password’} )

I found out that the get_system_dsn() does not have any condition for
Oracle, while mySQL,Postgre and Informix has. So I was wondering if I
ran the ./configure script right. I will appreciate it if someone could
confirm this script for configuring RT with Oracle.

./configure --prefix /usr/local/rt_dev/rt --with-db-type=Oracle \
–with-db-dba=system --with-db-database=domain
–with-fastcgi --with-oracle

Ahalya Nathan