Is the "" bug fixed in RT3?

I currently have RT2 and now that some users email addresses have
started to include a middle initial, e.g., RT
bounces the messages with an error:

“No permission to create tickets in queue foo”

Is this fixed in RT3? If not, then which file do I need to hack to fix
it? rt-mailgate?


I currently have RT2 and now that some users email addresses have
started to include a middle initial, e.g., RT
bounces the messages with an error:

“No permission to create tickets in queue foo”

Is this fixed in RT3? If not, then which file do I need to hack to fix
it? rt-mailgate?

That sounds like poorly configured permissions on your RT instance, not
really a bug in RT.


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ext Jesse Vincent ( wrote:

I currently have RT2 and now that some users email addresses have
started to include a middle initial, e.g., RT
bounces the messages with an error:

“No permission to create tickets in queue foo”

Is this fixed in RT3? If not, then which file do I need to hack to fix
it? rt-mailgate?

That sounds like poorly configured permissions on your RT instance, not
really a bug in RT.

Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear enough. I have hundreds of tickets
that have been created by random people since I installed RT2.

People with email addresses such as:

are able to create tickets.

People with email addresses such as:
are not able to create tickets. Also, RT2 refuses to allow this type of
email address when creating an account from the web interface, e.g. for
support people. Something inside of RT2 refuses to allow more than one
dot before the @ in an email address.

There is no other way to describe it than as a bug. I had been putting
off upgrading to RT3 to give it some time to mature. I think that it’s
been in use for long enough now, and if this “bug” has been fixed then
that’s a good reason for me to upgrade. If it has not been fixed, then I
don’t want to go through the pain of upgrading when nothing else is
broken… I can just dig into the code and fix it myself, but the patch
won’t be against RT3 :-(.

Other than this one complaint, thanks for a really great system. It is
truly a lifesaver :slight_smile:


People with email addresses such as:
are not able to create tickets. Also, RT2 refuses to allow this type of
email address when creating an account from the web interface, e.g. for
support people. Something inside of RT2 refuses to allow more than one
dot before the @ in an email address.

I checked this with our installation.
Both my ‘long mail addresses’ went through fine!

So I could create tickets as ‘christoph.von.stuckirad@…’
and also as ‘christoph.v.stuckrad@…’ No problem seen!

This is on RT 3.0.7_01

Christoph von Stuckrad * * |nickname |
Freie Universitaet Berlin |/_*|‘stucki’ |Tel(days):+49 30 838-75 459|
Fachbereich Mathematik, EDV|\ |if online|Tel(else):+49 30 77 39 6600|
Arnimallee 2-6/14195 Berlin
* |on IRCnet|Fax(alle):+49 30 838-75454/

Mike Jackson wrote:

People with email addresses such as:
are not able to create tickets. Also, RT2 refuses to allow this type of
email address when creating an account from the web interface, e.g. for
support people. Something inside of RT2 refuses to allow more than one
dot before the @ in an email address.

Have you reported this previously, or are you just expecting that
someone else has done so?


mysql> select count() from Users where EmailAddress like ‘%.%.%@%’;
| count(
) |
| 52 |
1 row in set (0.71 sec)

mysql> select count() from Users where EmailAddress like ‘%.%.%@%’;
| count(
) |
| 193 |
1 row in set (0.18 sec)

there’s apparently nothing special about two dots as far as I or my
RT2 and RT3 instances can tell…