Installing RT-3.6.1

I have been trying to install Request Tracker for the past three days with
no luck, I have a Fedora Core 5 Box, so I decided to go with the version
3.4.5 that is included within the software from FC5, everything seems to
work fine during the installation process, except that when I configured it seems like it is not taking my domain name on the
$WebBaseURL since when I open my browser I cannot get to this page it say
Firefox cannot display this page, but when I point my browser to
HTTP://localhost/rt3 it does display the login page…

Also I have checked the Wiki and the google looking for step by step
instructions to install Request Tracker and I have not found any…Do any of
you have written notes on how to install Request Tracker step by step…by
the way I bought the book it is great but it does not go in detail about the
installation too much as I would expected, sorry I am brand new to


I have been trying to install Request Tracker for the past three days with no
luck, I have a Fedora Core 5 Box, so I decided to go with the version 3.4.5
that is included within the software from FC5, everything seems to work fine
during the installation process, except that when I configured it seems like it is not taking my domain name on the
$WebBaseURL since when I open my browser I cannot get to this page it say
Firefox cannot display this page, but when I point my browser to
HTTP://localhost/rt3 it does display the login page…

You need to configure your apache virtual host entry to accept 

mail at whatever domain name you have configured. The SiteConfig
modifications change what URLs are generated by RT, not what URLs are
accepted by RT.
For help on this configuration, you should read up on apache
stuff, your RT part is probably working fine.