I’ve been trying to install a new instance of Request Tracker, following
the installation notes in the Wiki’s user manual, and was fairly puzzled
about its abrupt end. It seems someone has erased the last two thirds
of the ManualInstallation node (at
Request Tracker Wiki). I can’t
see any way to rollback to a previous revision using Kwiki, so someone
will have to correct his. For now I am viewing the previous revision of
the page.
RT needs a more dependable form of documentation. The installation
section of the user manual is the best guide to setting up RT, and I can
only wonder how many users were turned off from RT because they couldn’t
find appropriate documentation. A Wiki is okay if it gets enough
traffic for problems like this to be corrected, but this is obviously
not the case. A static HTML user’s manual would be better than a Wiki
that is present half of the time.
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