hi all,
i originally had this problem with RT 2.0.8_02, so i’ve upgraded to 2.0.11
and am still saw the same thing.
due the the set up of the server using the default ‘sendmail’ doesn’t work
so i changed to ‘sendmailpipe’ so i could specify the exact command to use.
which gave the following errors in the apache error and rt logs when rt
tried to send a mail after actions performed via the web interface.
Insecure $ENV{PATH} while running with -T switch at
/usr/local/rt2/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm line 118, line 47.
line 118: open (MAIL, “|$RT::SendmailPath $RT::SendmailArguments”) ||
my initial fix/hack was to add
local $ENV{PATH} = ‘’;
as the line above, which got me up and running but does force u to use an
absolute $SendmailPath, and is a bit of a hack
after looking through the code i noticed that webmux.pl does set $ENV{path}
to a string, which should untaint it. it does however do this for the whole
mod_perl server, which is a bit rude as other apps may be expecting a
different ENV. also depending on what runs in what order at start-up for the
server RT could end up running with a different env. so i local’ed all these
vars, which fixes these probs and seems to have solved my taint probs
patch below, hope its ok, this is my 1st patch to an open source project
have fun,
“In the beginning, there was nothing, which exploded”
diff -c against rt-2-0-11
*** webmux.pl.orig Thu Jan 10 14:05:11 2002
— webmux.pl Thu Jan 10 14:11:21 2002
*** 2,14 ****
RT is (c) 1996-2000 Jesse Vincent (jesse@fsck.com);
use strict;
$ENV{‘PATH’} = ‘/bin:/usr/bin’; # or whatever you need
$ENV{‘CDPATH’} = ‘’ if defined $ENV{‘CDPATH’};
$ENV{‘SHELL’} = ‘/bin/sh’ if defined $ENV{‘SHELL’};
$ENV{‘ENV’} = ‘’ if defined $ENV{‘ENV’};
$ENV{‘IFS’} = ‘’ if defined $ENV{‘IFS’};
We really don’t want apache to try to eat all vm
— 2,18 ----
RT is (c) 1996-2000 Jesse Vincent (jesse@fsck.com);
use strict;
same mod_perl server and they dont play with ours.
local $ENV{‘PATH’} = ‘/bin:/usr/bin’; # or whatever you need
local $ENV{‘CDPATH’} = ‘’ if defined $ENV{‘CDPATH’};
local $ENV{‘SHELL’} = ‘/bin/sh’ if defined $ENV{‘SHELL’};
local $ENV{‘ENV’} = ‘’ if defined $ENV{‘ENV’};
local $ENV{‘IFS’} = ‘’ if defined $ENV{‘IFS’};
We really don’t want apache to try to eat all vm
*** 30,39 ****
! use lib “!!RT_LIB_PATH!!”;
! use lib “!!RT_ETC_PATH!!”;
#This drags in RT’s config.pm
use config;
— 34,43 ----
! $VERSION=“2.0.11”;
! use lib “/usr/local/rt2/lib”;
! use lib “/usr/local/rt2/etc”;
#This drags in RT’s config.pm
use config;
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