Importing Tickets and Comments


I have an old “other” ticketing system that I’d like to import data from into RT.

I’ve read this Wiki page:

and I’ve also read this man page:

perldoc RT::Action::CreateTickets

And I get how to import the main ticket itself…but how can I import ticket comments? The old system has 10 years worth of comments that I’d like to also get into RT. Is there a way to do this without hacking the database?

Tim Gustafson
Baskin School of Engineering 831-459-5354
UC Santa Cruz Baskin Engineering 317B

And I get how to import the main ticket itself…but how can I import
ticket comments? The old system has 10 years worth of comments that
I’d like to also get into RT. Is there a way to do this without
hacking the database?

Don’t hack the database. Use RT’s Perl API to make tickets and
transactions (comments, replies, etc). You’ll need to be handy with
Perl, but the API is pretty well documented.
