Import script

Whenever I run this script this is the error I get

Couldn’t load from the users database.
Can’t call method “fetchrow” on an undefined value at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/DBIx/SearchBuilder/ line 352.

what could be wrong with the script…

I have set the user and password for this site, I have verified the
settings… what am I missing…

Thanks again for your help…


What does /tmp/rt.log. have to say about it?On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 04:17:23PM -0700, Chris Warner wrote:

Whenever I run this script this is the error I get

Couldn’t load from the users database.
Can’t call method “fetchrow” on an undefined value at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/DBIx/SearchBuilder/ line 352.

what could be wrong with the script…

I have set the user and password for this site, I have verified the
settings… what am I missing…

Thanks again for your help…


rt-users mailing list

jesse reed vincent –
70EBAC90: 2A07 FC22 7DB4 42C1 9D71 0108 41A3 3FB3 70EB AC90

T'waS br|ll1G 4|||> 7#e sl1T#Y T0v3s D1|> gYR3 4nd Gimb@1 1|| 7#E //A83
all |/|1|/|53Y W3R3 d4 60r0GR0V3s @|||> |>4 M0MES wr47H oUTGR4b3.

Hi, I run make install (after running make dropdb) and I get an error where is
asks for my rt_user password.

Below is the logs and where it halts.


[root@scooby rt-2-0-0]# make install
mkdir -p /opt/rt2/bin
mkdir -p /opt/rt2/WebRT/data
mkdir -p /opt/rt2/WebRT/sessiondata
mkdir -p /opt/rt2/etc
mkdir -p /opt/rt2/lib
mkdir -p /opt/rt2/WebRT/html
mkdir -p /opt/rt2/local/WebRT/html
/usr/bin/perl tools/initdb ‘mysql’ ‘/usr/local’ ‘localhost’ ‘root’ ‘rt2’
Now creating a database for RT.
Enter the mysql password for root:
Creating mysql database rt2.
cp etc/acl.mysql ‘/opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql’
/usr/bin/perl -p -i -e " s’!!DB_TYPE!!‘mysql’g;
s’!!DB_DATABASE!!‘rt2’g;" /opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql
bin/initacls.mysql ‘/usr/local’ ‘localhost’ ‘root’ ‘’ ‘rt2’
Enter the mysql administrator’s database password to create a new user for RT
Enter password:
Enter the mysql administrator’s database password to nondestructively reload the
Enter password:
/usr/bin/perl tools/initdb ‘mysql’ ‘/usr/local’ ‘localhost’ ‘rt_user’ 'rt2’
Now populating database schema.
Enter the mysql password for rt_user:
Creating database schema.
DBI->connect(dbname=rt2;host=localhost) failed: Access denied for user:
‘rt_user@localhost’ (Using password: YES) at tools/initdb line 138
Access denied for user: ‘rt_user@localhost’ (Using password: YES) at
tools/initdb line 138, line 1.
make: *** [initdb.rtuser] Error 255

That’s symptomatic of not correctly entering the rt user’s password, which
is by default rt_pass (and which you should change).

    -jOn Sat, Jun 30, 2001 at 12:18:11AM -0700, David U. wrote:

Hi, I run make install (after running make dropdb) and I get an error where is
asks for my rt_user password.

Below is the logs and where it halts.


[root@scooby rt-2-0-0]# make install
mkdir -p /opt/rt2/bin
mkdir -p /opt/rt2/WebRT/data
mkdir -p /opt/rt2/WebRT/sessiondata
mkdir -p /opt/rt2/etc
mkdir -p /opt/rt2/lib
mkdir -p /opt/rt2/WebRT/html
mkdir -p /opt/rt2/local/WebRT/html
/usr/bin/perl tools/initdb ‘mysql’ ‘/usr/local’ ‘localhost’ ‘root’ ‘rt2’
Now creating a database for RT.
Enter the mysql password for root:
Creating mysql database rt2.
cp etc/acl.mysql ‘/opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql’
/usr/bin/perl -p -i -e " s’!!DB_TYPE!!‘mysql’g;
s’!!DB_DATABASE!!'rt2’g;" /opt/rt2/etc/acl.mysql
bin/initacls.mysql ‘/usr/local’ ‘localhost’ ‘root’ ‘’ ‘rt2’
Enter the mysql administrator’s database password to create a new user for RT
Enter password:
Enter the mysql administrator’s database password to nondestructively reload the
Enter password:
/usr/bin/perl tools/initdb ‘mysql’ ‘/usr/local’ ‘localhost’ ‘rt_user’ ‘rt2’
Now populating database schema.
Enter the mysql password for rt_user:
Creating database schema.
DBI->connect(dbname=rt2;host=localhost) failed: Access denied for user:
‘rt_user@localhost’ (Using password: YES) at tools/initdb line 138
Access denied for user: ‘rt_user@localhost’ (Using password: YES) at
tools/initdb line 138, line 1.
make: *** [initdb.rtuser] Error 255

rt-users mailing list

jesse reed vincent –
70EBAC90: 2A07 FC22 7DB4 42C1 9D71 0108 41A3 3FB3 70EB AC90

‘“As the company that brought users the Internet, Netscape is now inviting
the more than 60 million people who have used our client software to
‘tune up’ and upgrade to Netscape Communicator,” said Mike Homer,
senior vice president of marketing at Netscape.’ Sometimes I wonder.


I’m trying to use the import-1.0-to-2.0 tool.
And got these errors:

can’t parse Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary="Z_MULTI_PART_MAIL_BOUNDAEY_S"
for boundry at ./import-1.0-to-2.0 line 725, line 4105272.

can’t parse Content-type: multipart/mixed;boundary="#MYBOUNDARY#"
for boundry at ./import-1.0-to-2.0 line 725, line 5062824.

can’t parse Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary="----=_NextPart_000_00F4_6E50F846.2165E113"
for boundry at ./import-1.0-to-2.0 line 725, line 5395264.

when I fix those to text/plain everything works ok, but there’s too many tickets
to modify by hand.
