How to use rt-extension-assets-import-csv

I just installed both the RT Assets extension and the Assets Import CSV extension, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to use the CSV import extension. Any thoughts?

Jonah Hirsch

I just installed both the RT Assets extension and the Assets Import CSV extension, but I
cannot for the life of me figure out how to use the CSV import extension. Any thoughts?

The README shipped with the extension covers configuration and
the extension ships a single file in the bin/ directory of the
installed plugin. Running rt-assets-import-csv with no arguments or
the standard --help produces a man page.


I was trying that…turns out because I didn’t have the perl-doc package installed it just popped up the script in VIM. Upon quitting vim it informed me to install perl-doc, but I guess I overlooked that before.

Thanks.On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 08:23:45PM +0000, Jonah Hirsch wrote:

I just installed both the RT Assets extension and the Assets Import CSV extension, but I

cannot for the life of me figure out how to use the CSV import extension. Any thoughts?

The README shipped with the extension covers configuration and

the extension ships a single file in the bin/ directory of the

installed plugin. Running rt-assets-import-csv with no arguments or

the standard --help produces a man page.


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