How to store User->NickName?

this seems like it should work, the column names are right out of the database

everything except RealName and NickName works…


# update the record if there is any new information
print "\tupdating user for name:".$device->{'name'}." w/$WHDClientId_name: ".$whd_client_id."\n";

my %userInfo = (
	Name => $device->{'name'},
	RealName => $device->{'name'},
	NickName => substr($device->{'name'},3,4),
	WorkPhone => $client->{'phone'},
	Address1 => $client->{'address'},
	City => $client->{'city'},
	State => $client->{'state'},
	Zip => $client->{'zip'}

( $success, $message ) = $user->CanonicalizeUserInfo(\%userInfo);
unless ($success) {
	print "Error: $message [File: ", __FILE__, " Line: ", __LINE__, "]\n";

this seems like it should work, the column names are right out of the database
everything except RealName and NickName works…

update the record if there is any new information

print “\tupdating user for name:”.$device->{‘name’}." w/$WHDClientId_name: “.$whd_client_id.”\n";

my %userInfo = (
Name => $device->{‘name’},
RealName => $device->{‘name’},
NickName => substr($device->{‘name’},3,4),
WorkPhone => $client->{‘phone’},
Address1 => $client->{‘address’},
City => $client->{‘city’},
State => $client->{‘state’},
Zip => $client->{‘zip’}

( $success, $message ) = $user->CanonicalizeUserInfo(\%userInfo);

unless ($success) {
print "Error: $message [File: ", FILE, " Line: ", LINE, “]\n”;

I don’t understand your code. CanonicalizeUserInfo is an empty
subroutine. Presumably you’ve built more infrastructure that you’re
not showing.

Even the documentation says “by default nothing is done”.
