How to show image in ticket history or articles?


I dont understand how to show image in ticket history and articles.

I can see images during articles edit or ticket reply/comment in CKEditor. My user receive images as inline encoded in base64 in mail.

In ticket history i can see image when i download the html source.

But image dont show web UI and i’m unable to find the option needed to show image in ticket history.

In my i have those options:
Set($ShowRemoteImages, 1);
Set($ShowTransactionImages, 1);
Set($PreferRichText, 1);

Any idea?

Kind regards,

Edit: the problem concern images inserted via copy/past in CKEditor. Images receveived by mail are visible in ticket history.

Hi. For me it’s enough (RT 5.0.5):
Set($ShowTransactionImages, 1);

I can’t find $ShowInlineImages in the code. Is it a new setting in 5.0.6?

I also don’t have ShowInlineImages and I’ve searched my rt5.0.6 build.

Also, the setting Set($ShowTransactionImages, 1); is default and I’ve never had to mess with any of it, and I see all attached images inline in the ticket history/transaction log. It just seems to work as always.

Hi, the first 2 answers come from bot, that why they gave false info about value who does not exist.

In my case i see attached inline image from answer comming by mail, but i dont see my own image in ticket transaction when image was copy/pasted in ckeditor with an anwser from web gui.

Users receive my answer with my image copy/pasted, but it does not appear in ticket history in the web gui. I’m in RT 5.0.6.

I have something working now, but i dont know if it can cause a security issue.

Create an overlay by copying the file /opt/rt5/lib/RT/Interface/Web/ to /opt/rt5/lib/RT/Interface/Web/

Edit the file

Change the line (or comment)
push @src, qr/^cid:/i
push @src, qr/^cid:|^data:/i

    if ( !$RULES{'img'} && ( RT->Config->Get('ShowTransactionImages') or RT->Config->Get('ShowRemoteImages') ) ) {
        my @src;
#        push @src, qr/^cid:/i
        push @src, qr/^cid:|^data:/i
            if RT->Config->Get('ShowTransactionImages');

Kind regards,