How to reject email outside of a certain domain?

We have an internal-only RT setup - not customer facing and would like
to be able to block emailed tickets from outside of a specific domain -
I can’t see any obvious way to get this from the file -
someone must have already done this? Or do you just config this in


Philip Kime
NOPS Systems Architect
310 401 0407

We have an internal-only RT setup - not customer facing and would like
to be able to block emailed tickets from outside of a specific domain -
I can’t see any obvious way to get this from the file -
someone must have already done this? Or do you just config this in

Correct - just configure this in your mail server.

You can probably override LoadOrCreateByEmail to check the
email address.On Mon, Oct 30, 2006 at 01:14:06PM -0800, Philip Kime wrote:

We have an internal-only RT setup - not customer facing and would like
to be able to block emailed tickets from outside of a specific domain -
I can’t see any obvious way to get this from the file -
someone must have already done this? Or do you just config this in


Philip Kime
NOPS Systems Architect
310 401 0407

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You can probably override LoadOrCreateByEmail to check the email

That’s useful for another problem I have - wanting to reject adding
arbitrary watcher emails, thanks. It seems that rt-mailgate already has
a mechanism for doing things like this. I altered


to do a check on the email address and it works fine.