How to make correction after installation

During installation, I must have specified something wrong, because the
reference to the RT image on the upper left of the page is:” alt=“RT”

I need to know where to correct this - are there other places where I
will need to correct?


You misconfigured $WebBaseURL in etc/ .


Michael D. Stackhouse wrote:

|+ “” alt=“RT”
|+ I need to know where to correct this - are there other places where I
|+ will need to correct?

You should look over your for the following:

If you’re putting the web ui somewhere other than at the root of

your server

$WebPath requires a leading / but no trailing /

$WebPath = “”;

This is the Scheme, server and port for constructing urls to webrt

$WebBaseURL doesn’t need a trailing /


$WebBaseURL = “”;

$WebURL = $WebBaseURL . $WebPath . “/”;

Looks like you added the trailing ‘/’ where you should not have, and
looks like you left the RT: portion in.


Alesh Mustar wrote: