How to include ticket # in ticket history

We would like to have the ticket # displayed in ticket HISTORY section.

For example, when displaying the initial screen for a queues’ tickets, you can
then click on a single ticket and it is displayed on the next browser
screen that
appears. The problem is that the ticket # is not displayed anywhere in that

Users would consider this a great feature as they have to *drill down* 

into the
message history when resolving tickets. Also, if the ticket is downloaded,
it’s tracking
number is lost as well.

Does anyone out there know what module I would need to edit to get this to 


I am fairly new to RT and not a lot of time available to *dig in under the 

to try and find all the “treasures”. I guess this kind of follows the
thread as well.


Dan L. Ostrom | IT Contract Services

Systems Administrator III | (734) 647-5664 (voice)

University of Michigan | (734) 670-4001 pager)

Ann Arbor Michigan | (734) 763-4050 (fax)

48109 |

Dan L. Ostrom wrote:

For example, when displaying the initial screen for a queues’ tickets, you
then click on a single ticket and it is displayed on the next browser
screen that
appears. The problem is that the ticket # is not displayed anywhere in that

It’s not displayed in any of the following places???

  • browser title bar
  • top of the screen where the ticket subject is shown
  • in the “Basics” box
  • in the left-hand tab menu

It’s present in all of those locations in a stock-standard RT3 install…

Sorry, I was unclear in the original post.

     It is displayed in the places you mention, however, not

in the History section.

At 08:01 AM 12/8/2003, Phil Homewood wrote:

Dan L. Ostrom wrote:

For example, when displaying the initial screen for a queues’ tickets, you
then click on a single ticket and it is displayed on the next browser
screen that
appears. The problem is that the ticket # is not displayed anywhere in

It’s not displayed in any of the following places???

  • browser title bar
  • top of the screen where the ticket subject is shown
  • in the “Basics” box
  • in the left-hand tab menu

It’s present in all of those locations in a stock-standard RT3 install…

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Dan L. Ostrom | IT Contract Services

Systems Administrator III | (734) 647-5664 (voice)

University of Michigan | (734) 670-4001 pager)

Ann Arbor Michigan | (734) 763-4050 (fax)

48109 |