How to configure business hours if only one Saturday is working day in each month?


I am configuring RT 4.4.1 for the first time. I have configured business hours in file as below:

Set ( %ServiceBusinessHours, (
‘Default’ => {
1 => { Name => ‘Monday’, Start => ‘9:00’, End => ‘21:00’ },
2 => { Name => ‘Tuesday’, Start => ‘9:00’, End => ‘21:00’ },
3 => { Name => ‘Wednesday’, Start => ‘9:00’, End => ‘21:00’ },
4 => { Name => ‘Thursday’, Start => ‘9:00’, End => ‘21:00’ },
5 => { Name => ‘Friday’, Start => ‘9:00’, End => ‘21:00’ },

This is working perfectly. But, I want to add 1st Saturday also in business hours.

Could you please tell me how can I do this?


1 Like

I’m afraid it is not possible in default package Business::Hours
For my company I did some changing in this package to use “extra days”.

This is my version of sub. Replace with it in The code is not very good, but it works for me for years.

 sub for_timespan {
        my $self = shift;
        my %args = (
            Start => undef,
            End   => undef,
        my $bizdays = $self->{'business_hours'} || $BUSINESS_HOURS;

        # now that we know what the business hours are for each day in a week,
        # we need to find all the business hours in the period in question.

        # Create an intspan of the period in total.
        my $business_period
            = Set::IntSpan->new( $args{'Start'} . "-" . $args{'End'} );

        # jump back to the first day (Sunday) of the last week before the period
        # began.
        my @start        = localtime( $args{'Start'} );
        my $month        = $start[4];
        my $year         = $start[5];
        my $first_sunday = $start[3] - $start[6];

        # period_start is time_t at midnight local time on the first sunday
        my $period_start
            = timelocal_nocheck( 0, 0, 0, $first_sunday, $month, $year );

        # for each week until the end of the week in seconds since the epoch
        # is outside the business period in question
        my $week_start = $period_start;

        # @run_list is a run list of the period's business hours
        # its form is (<int>-<int2>,<int3>-<int4>)
        # For documentation about its format, have a look at Set::IntSpan.
        # (This is fed into Set::IntSpan to use to compute our actual run.
        my @run_list;

        # @break_list is a run list of the period's breaks between business hours
        # its form is (<int>-<int2>,<int3>-<int4>)
        # For documentation about its format, have a look at Set::IntSpan.
        # (This is fed into Set::IntSpan to use to compute our actual run.
        my @break_list;

        my $convert_start_end = sub {
            my ($hours, @today) = @_;

            # add the business seconds in that week to the runlist we'll use to
            # figure out business hours
            # (Be careful to use timelocal to convert times in the week into actual
            # seconds, so we don't lose at DST transition)
            my $start = timelocal_nocheck(
                0, $hours->{'StartMinute'}, $hours->{'StartHour'}, @today

            # We subtract 1 from the ending time, because the ending time
            # really specifies what hour we end up closed at
            my $end = timelocal_nocheck(
                0, $hours->{'EndMinute'}, $hours->{'EndHour'}, @today
            ) - 1;

            return "$start-$end";

        while ( $week_start <= $args{'End'} ) {

            my @today = (localtime($week_start))[3, 4, 5];
            $today[0]--; # compensate next increment

            # foreach day in the week, find that day's business hours in
            # seconds since the epoch.
            for ( my $dow = 0; $dow <= 6; $dow++ ) {
                $today[0]++; # next day comes
                next unless my $day_hours = $bizdays->{$dow};

                push @run_list, $convert_start_end->( $day_hours, @today );

                foreach my $break ( @{ $bizdays->{$dow}{'Breaks'} || [] } ) {
                    push @break_list, $convert_start_end->( $break, @today );

        # now that we're done with this week, calculate the start of the next week
        # the next week starts at midnight on the sunday following the previous
        # sunday
            $week_start = timelocal_nocheck( 0, 0, 0, $today[0]+1, $today[1], $today[2] );


        my $business_hours = Set::IntSpan->new( join( ',', @run_list ) ) - Set::IntSpan->new( join( ',', @break_list ) );
        my $business_hours_in_period
            = $business_hours->intersect($business_period);

        # find the intersection of the business period intspan and the  business
        # hours intspan. (Because we want to trim any business hours that fall
        # outside the business period)

        if ( my @holidays = $self->holidays ) {
            my $start_year = $year;
            my $end_year = (localtime $args{'End'})[5];
            foreach my $holiday (@holidays) {
                my ($year, $month, $date) = ($holiday =~ /^(?:(\d\d\d\d)\D)?(\d\d)\D(\d\d)$/);
                my @range;
                if ( $year ) {
                    push @range, [
                        timelocal_nocheck( 0, 0, 0, $date, $month, $year ),
                else {
                    push @range, [
                        timelocal_nocheck( 0, 0, 0, $date, $month, $start_year ),
                    push @range, [
                        timelocal_nocheck( 0, 0, 0, $date, $month, $end_year ),
                    ] if $start_year != $end_year;
                $_->[1] = $_->[0] + 24*60*60 foreach @range;
                $business_hours_in_period -= \@range;

        # TODO: Add any special times to the business hours
        if ( my $extra_days = $self->{'extra_days'} ) {
            foreach  my $key (keys(%$extra_days))  {
                my $extra_day = $$extra_days{$key};
                foreach my $which qw(Start End) {
                    if (   $extra_day->{$which} && $extra_day->{$which} =~ /^(\d+)\D(\d+)$/ ) {
                        $extra_day->{ $which . 'Hour' }   = $1;
                        $extra_day->{ $which . 'Minute' } = $2;
                    if ($extra_day->{"Break_$which"} && $extra_day->{"Break_$which"} =~ /^(\d+)\D(\d+)$/ ) {
                        $extra_day->{ 'Break_' . $which . 'Hour' }   = $1;
                        $extra_day->{ 'Break_' . $which . 'Minute' }   = $2;
                my ($year, $month, $date) = ($extra_day->{'Date'} =~ /^(?:(\d\d\d\d)\D)?(\d\d)\D(\d\d)$/);
                if (!$year) { $year = (localtime)[5]; }
                my $extra_period_start =  timelocal_nocheck( 0, $extra_day->{'StartMinute'}, $extra_day->{'StartHour'}, $date, $month, $year );
                my $extra_period_break_start =  timelocal_nocheck( 0, $extra_day->{'Break_StartMinute'}, $extra_day->{'Break_StartHour'}, $date, $month, $year );
                my $extra_day_start = timelocal_nocheck( 0, 0, 0, $date, $month, $year );
                my $extra_period_end =  timelocal_nocheck( 0, $extra_day->{'EndMinute'}, $extra_day->{'EndHour'}, $date, $month, $year );
                my $extra_period_break_end =  timelocal_nocheck( 0, $extra_day->{'Break_EndMinute'}, $extra_day->{'Break_EndHour'}, $date, $month, $year );

                my @hole_day_range;
                push(@hole_day_range, [$extra_day_start]);
                $_->[1] = $_->[0] + 24*60*60 foreach @hole_day_range;
                $business_hours_in_period -= \@hole_day_range;

        my $business_hours2 = Set::IntSpan->new("$extra_period_start-$extra_period_end") - Set::IntSpan->new("$extra_period_break_start-$extra_period_break_end");
        my $business_hours_in_period2
            = $business_hours2->intersect($business_period);
    ###            my @extra_range;
    ###            push(@extra_range, [$extra_period_start]);
    ###            $_->[1] = $extra_period_end foreach @extra_range;
    ###            $business_hours_in_period += \@extra_range;
                $business_hours_in_period += $business_hours_in_period2;

            } # foreach extra_days

        } # extra_days

        # cache the calculated business hours in the object
        $self->{'calculated'} = $business_hours_in_period;
        $self->{'start'}      = $args{'Start'};
        $self->{'end'}        = $args{'End'};

        # Return the intspan of business hours.

        return ($business_hours_in_period);

Config example:

        'general' => {
       0 => { Name     => 'Sunday', 
               Start    => undef,
               End      => undef },
        1 => { Name     => 'Monday', 
               Start    => '09:00',
               End      => '18:00',
               Breaks  => [
                            {Start    => '13:00',
                             End      => '14:00' },
        2 => { Name     => 'Tuesday', 
               Start    => '09:00',
               End      => '18:00',
               Breaks  => [
                            {Start    => '13:00',
                             End      => '14:00' },
        3 => { Name     => 'Wednesday',
               Start    => '09:00',
               End      => '18:00',
               Breaks  => [
                           {Start    => '13:00',
                            End      => '14:00' },
        4 => { Name     => 'Thursday',
               Start    => '09:00',
               End      => '18:00',
               Breaks  => [
                            {Start    => '13:00',
                             End      => '14:00' },
        5 => { Name     => 'Friday', 
               Start    => '09:00',
               End      => '17:00',
               Breaks  => [
                           { Start    => '13:00',
                             End      => '14:00' },
        6 => { Name     => 'Saturday', 
               Start    => undef,
               End      => undef },
        holidays => [qw(01-01 01-02 01-03 01-04 01-05 01-06 01-07 01-08 2016-01-09 2016-02-22 02-23 2017-02-24 2016-03-07 03-08 05-01 2016-05-02 2016-05-03  2017-05-08 05-09 06-12 2016-06-13 11-04 2017-11-06 12-31)],
        extra_days => {
	220217 =>   {Name => "22.02.2017",
                       Date => "2017-02-22",
                       Start => "09:00",
                       End => "17:00",
                       Break_Start => "13:00",
                       Break_End   => "14:00"
	70317 =>   {Name => "07.03.2017",
                       Date => "2017-03-07",
                       Start => "09:00",
                       End => "17:00",
                       Break_Start => "13:00",
                       Break_End   => "14:00"
             31117 =>  {Name => "03.11.2017",
                       Date => "2017-11-03",
                       Start => "09:00",
                       End => "16:00",
                       Break_Start => "13:00",
                       Break_End   => "14:00"

Hi Smirnov,

Thanks for the response.
I have one question. Which version of RT are you using? I did’t find any file in my RT v4.4.1. Please help.


We use 4.4.1 now is not core RT library. This is external library that RT uses for SLA.

find / -name
to find this package. It is somewhere /usr/local/share/perl5/Business/

Thanks Smirnov !!

I tried, but RT skipping values in extra days. When I am changing the SLA or creating a new ticket it just skipping values from extra days.
For example, Today, I created a ticket with SLA 36 Hrs, according to the config the due date should be on 14-10-17, but it was 16-10-17.

Below is the my configuration sample:

[code]Set ( %ServiceBusinessHours, (
‘Default’ => {
1 => { Name => ‘Monday’, Start => ‘9:00’, End => ‘21:00’, Breaks => [{Start => ‘13:00’, End => ‘14:00’ },],},
2 => { Name => ‘Tuesday’, Start => ‘9:00’, End => ‘21:00’, Breaks => [{Start => ‘13:00’, End => ‘14:00’ },],},
3 => { Name => ‘Wednesday’, Start => ‘9:00’, End => ‘21:00’, Breaks => [{Start => ‘13:00’, End => ‘14:00’ },],},
4 => { Name => ‘Thursday’, Start => ‘9:00’, End => ‘21:00’, Breaks => [{Start => ‘13:00’, End => ‘14:00’ },],},
5 => { Name => ‘Friday’, Start => ‘9:00’, End => ‘21:00’, Breaks => [{Start => ‘13:00’, End => ‘14:00’ },],},
holidays => [qw(2017-10-19 2017-12-25)],

Adding 14-10-17 (Saturday) as an extra day

    extra_days => {
    141017 => {Name => "14.10.2017",
                   Date => "2017-10-14",
                   Start => "09:00",
                   End => "21:00",
                   Break_Start => "13:00",
                   Break_End   => "14:00"


[code]use strict;
use warnings;

package Business::Hours;

require 5.006;
use Set::IntSpan;
use Time::Local qw/timelocal_nocheck/;

our $VERSION = ‘0.12’;

=head1 NAME

Business::Hours - Calculate business hours in a time period


use Business::Hours;
my $hours = Business::Hours->new();

Get a Set::IntSpan of all the business hours in the next week.

use the default business hours of 9am to 6pm localtime.

$hours->for_timespan( Start => time(), End => time()+(86400*7) );


This module is a simple tool for calculating business hours in a time period.
Over time, additional functionality will be added to make it easy to
calculate the number of business hours between arbitrary dates.

=head1 USAGE


Default business hours are weekdays from 9am to 6pm

{ 0 => {
Name => ‘Sunday’,
Start => undef,
End => undef,
1 => {
Name => ‘Monday’,
Start => ‘9:00’,
End => ‘18:00’,
2 => {
Name => ‘Tuesday’,
Start => ‘9:00’,
End => ‘18:00’,
3 => {
Name => ‘Wednesday’,
Start => ‘9:00’,
End => ‘18:00’,
4 => {
Name => ‘Thursday’,
Start => ‘9:00’,
End => ‘18:00’,
5 => {
Name => ‘Friday’,
Start => ‘9:00’,
End => ‘18:00’,
6 => {
Name => ‘Saturday’,
Start => undef,
End => undef,
PACKAGE->preprocess_business_hours( $BUSINESS_HOURS );

=head2 new

Creates a new LBusiness::Hours object. Takes no arguments.


sub new {
my $class = shift;

my $self = bless( {}, ref($class) || $class );

return ($self);


=head2 business_hours HASH

Gets / sets the business hours for this object.
Takes a hash (NOT a hash reference) of the form:

my %hours = (
    0 => { Name     => 'Sunday',
           Start    => 'HH:MM',
           End      => 'HH:MM' },

    1 => { Name     => 'Monday',
           Start    => 'HH:MM',
           End      => 'HH:MM' },

    6 => { Name     => 'Saturday',
           Start    => 'HH:MM',
           End      => 'HH:MM' },

Start and End times are of the form HH:MM. Valid times are
from 00:00 to 23:59. If your hours are from 9am to 6pm, use
Start => ‘9:00’, End => ‘18:00’. A given day MUST have a start
and end time OR may declare both Start and End to be undef, if
there are no valid hours on that day.

You can use the array Breaks to mark interruptions between Start/End (for instance lunch hour). It’s an array of periods, each with a Start and End time:

my %hours = (
    0 => { Name     => 'Sunday',
           Start    => 'HH:MM',
           End      => 'HH:MM',
           Breaks  => [ 
                         { Start    => 'HH:MM',
                         End      => 'HH:MM' },
                         { Start    => 'HH:MM',
                         End      => 'HH:MM' },

    1 => { Name     => 'Monday',
           Start    => 'HH:MM',
           End      => 'HH:MM' },

    6 => { Name     => 'Saturday',
           Start    => 'HH:MM',
           End      => 'HH:MM' },

Note that the ending time is really "what is the first minute we’re closed.
If you specifiy an “End” of 18:00, that means that at 6pm, you are closed.
The last business second was 17:59:59.

As well, you can pass information about holidays using key ‘holidays’ and
an array reference value, for example:

    0 => { Name     => 'Sunday',
           Start    => 'HH:MM',
           End      => 'HH:MM' },
    6 => { Name     => 'Saturday',
           Start    => 'HH:MM',
           End      => 'HH:MM' },

    holidays => [qw(01-01 12-25 2009-05-08)],

Read more about holidays specification below in L<holidays|/“holidays ARRAY”>.


sub business_hours {
my $self = shift;
if ( @_ ) {
%{ $self->{‘business_hours’} } = (@_);
$self->{‘holidays’} = delete $self->{‘business_hours’}{‘holidays’};
$self->preprocess_business_hours( $self->{‘business_hours’} );
return %{ $self->{‘business_hours’} };

=head2 preprocess_business_hours

Checks and transforms business hours data. No need to call it.


sub preprocess_business_hours {
my $self = shift;
my $bizdays = shift;

my $process_start_end = sub {
    my $span = shift;
    foreach my $which (qw(Start End)) {
        return 0 unless $span->{ $which } && $span->{ $which } =~ /^(\d+)\D(\d+)$/;

        $span->{ $which . 'Hour' }   = $1;
        $span->{ $which . 'Minute' } = $2;
    $span->{'EndHour'} += 24
        if $span->{'EndHour'}*60+$span->{'EndMinute'}
        <= $span->{'StartHour'}*60+$span->{'StartMinute'};
    return 1;

# Split the Start and End times into hour/minute specifications
foreach my $dow ( keys %$bizdays ) {
    unless (
        $bizdays->{ $dow } && ref($bizdays->{ $dow }) eq 'HASH'
        && $process_start_end->( $bizdays->{ $dow } )
    ) {
        delete $bizdays->{ $dow };

    foreach my $break ( splice @{ $bizdays->{ $dow }{'Breaks'} || [] } ) {
        next unless $break && ref($break) eq 'HASH';
        push @{ $bizdays->{ $dow }{'Breaks'} }, $break
            if $process_start_end->( $break );


=head2 holidays ARRAY

Gets / sets holidays for this object. Takes an array
where each element is ether ‘MM-DD’ or ‘YYYY-MM-DD’.

Specification with year defined may be required when a holiday
matches Sunday or Saturday. In many countries days are shifted
in such case.

Holidays can be set via L<business_hours|/“business_hours HASH”> method
as well, so you can use this feature without changing your code.


sub holidays {
my $self = shift;
if ( @_ ) {
@{ $self->{‘holidays’} } = (@_);
return @{ $self->{‘holidays’} || [] };

=head2 for_timespan HASH

Takes a hash with the following parameters:


=item Start

The start of the period in question in seconds since the epoch

=item End

The end of the period in question in seconds since the epoch


Returns a LSet::IntSpan of business hours for this period of time.


sub for_timespan {
my $self = shift;
my %args = (
Start => undef,
End => undef,
my $bizdays = $self->{‘business_hours’} || $BUSINESS_HOURS;

    # now that we know what the business hours are for each day in a week,
    # we need to find all the business hours in the period in question.

    # Create an intspan of the period in total.
    my $business_period
        = Set::IntSpan->new( $args{'Start'} . "-" . $args{'End'} );

    # jump back to the first day (Sunday) of the last week before the period
    # began.
    my @start        = localtime( $args{'Start'} );
    my $month        = $start[4];
    my $year         = $start[5];
    my $first_sunday = $start[3] - $start[6];

    # period_start is time_t at midnight local time on the first sunday
    my $period_start
        = timelocal_nocheck( 0, 0, 0, $first_sunday, $month, $year );

    # for each week until the end of the week in seconds since the epoch
    # is outside the business period in question
    my $week_start = $period_start;

    # @run_list is a run list of the period's business hours
    # its form is (<int>-<int2>,<int3>-<int4>)
    # For documentation about its format, have a look at Set::IntSpan.
    # (This is fed into Set::IntSpan to use to compute our actual run.
    my @run_list;

    # @break_list is a run list of the period's breaks between business hours
    # its form is (<int>-<int2>,<int3>-<int4>)
    # For documentation about its format, have a look at Set::IntSpan.
    # (This is fed into Set::IntSpan to use to compute our actual run.
    my @break_list;

    my $convert_start_end = sub {
        my ($hours, @today) = @_;

        # add the business seconds in that week to the runlist we'll use to
        # figure out business hours
        # (Be careful to use timelocal to convert times in the week into actual
        # seconds, so we don't lose at DST transition)
        my $start = timelocal_nocheck(
            0, $hours->{'StartMinute'}, $hours->{'StartHour'}, @today

        # We subtract 1 from the ending time, because the ending time
        # really specifies what hour we end up closed at
        my $end = timelocal_nocheck(
            0, $hours->{'EndMinute'}, $hours->{'EndHour'}, @today
        ) - 1;

        return "$start-$end";

    while ( $week_start <= $args{'End'} ) {

        my @today = (localtime($week_start))[3, 4, 5];
        $today[0]--; # compensate next increment

        # foreach day in the week, find that day's business hours in
        # seconds since the epoch.
        for ( my $dow = 0; $dow <= 6; $dow++ ) {
            $today[0]++; # next day comes
            next unless my $day_hours = $bizdays->{$dow};

            push @run_list, $convert_start_end->( $day_hours, @today );

            foreach my $break ( @{ $bizdays->{$dow}{'Breaks'} || [] } ) {
                push @break_list, $convert_start_end->( $break, @today );

    # now that we're done with this week, calculate the start of the next week
    # the next week starts at midnight on the sunday following the previous
    # sunday
        $week_start = timelocal_nocheck( 0, 0, 0, $today[0]+1, $today[1], $today[2] );


    my $business_hours = Set::IntSpan->new( join( ',', @run_list ) ) - Set::IntSpan->new( join( ',', @break_list ) );
    my $business_hours_in_period
        = $business_hours->intersect($business_period);

    # find the intersection of the business period intspan and the  business
    # hours intspan. (Because we want to trim any business hours that fall
    # outside the business period)

    if ( my @holidays = $self->holidays ) {
        my $start_year = $year;
        my $end_year = (localtime $args{'End'})[5];
        foreach my $holiday (@holidays) {
            my ($year, $month, $date) = ($holiday =~ /^(?:(\d\d\d\d)\D)?(\d\d)\D(\d\d)$/);
            my @range;
            if ( $year ) {
                push @range, [
                    timelocal_nocheck( 0, 0, 0, $date, $month, $year ),
            else {
                push @range, [
                    timelocal_nocheck( 0, 0, 0, $date, $month, $start_year ),
                push @range, [
                    timelocal_nocheck( 0, 0, 0, $date, $month, $end_year ),
                ] if $start_year != $end_year;
            $_->[1] = $_->[0] + 24*60*60 foreach @range;
            $business_hours_in_period -= \@range;

    # TODO: Add any special times to the business hours
    if ( my $extra_days = $self->{'extra_days'} ) {
        foreach  my $key (keys(%$extra_days))  {
            my $extra_day = $$extra_days{$key};
            foreach my $which qw(Start End) {
                if (   $extra_day->{$which} && $extra_day->{$which} =~ /^(\d+)\D(\d+)$/ ) {
                    $extra_day->{ $which . 'Hour' }   = $1;
                    $extra_day->{ $which . 'Minute' } = $2;
                if ($extra_day->{"Break_$which"} && $extra_day->{"Break_$which"} =~ /^(\d+)\D(\d+)$/ ) {
                    $extra_day->{ 'Break_' . $which . 'Hour' }   = $1;
                    $extra_day->{ 'Break_' . $which . 'Minute' }   = $2;
            my ($year, $month, $date) = ($extra_day->{'Date'} =~ /^(?:(\d\d\d\d)\D)?(\d\d)\D(\d\d)$/);
            if (!$year) { $year = (localtime)[5]; }
            my $extra_period_start =  timelocal_nocheck( 0, $extra_day->{'StartMinute'}, $extra_day->{'StartHour'}, $date, $month, $year );
            my $extra_period_break_start =  timelocal_nocheck( 0, $extra_day->{'Break_StartMinute'}, $extra_day->{'Break_StartHour'}, $date, $month, $year );
            my $extra_day_start = timelocal_nocheck( 0, 0, 0, $date, $month, $year );
            my $extra_period_end =  timelocal_nocheck( 0, $extra_day->{'EndMinute'}, $extra_day->{'EndHour'}, $date, $month, $year );
            my $extra_period_break_end =  timelocal_nocheck( 0, $extra_day->{'Break_EndMinute'}, $extra_day->{'Break_EndHour'}, $date, $month, $year );

            my @hole_day_range;
            push(@hole_day_range, [$extra_day_start]);
            $_->[1] = $_->[0] + 24*60*60 foreach @hole_day_range;
            $business_hours_in_period -= \@hole_day_range;

    my $business_hours2 = Set::IntSpan->new("$extra_period_start-$extra_period_end") - Set::IntSpan->new("$extra_period_break_start-$extra_period_break_end");
    my $business_hours_in_period2
        = $business_hours2->intersect($business_period);
###            my @extra_range;
###            push(@extra_range, [$extra_period_start]);
###            $_->[1] = $extra_period_end foreach @extra_range;
###            $business_hours_in_period += \@extra_range;
            $business_hours_in_period += $business_hours_in_period2;

        } # foreach extra_days

    } # extra_days

    # cache the calculated business hours in the object
    $self->{'calculated'} = $business_hours_in_period;
    $self->{'start'}      = $args{'Start'};
    $self->{'end'}        = $args{'End'};

    # Return the intspan of business hours.

    return ($business_hours_in_period);

=head2 between START, END

Returns the number of business seconds between START and END
Both START and END should be specified in seconds since the epoch.

Returns -1 if START or END are outside the calculated business hours.


sub between {
my $self = shift;
my $start = shift;
my $end = shift;

if ( not defined $self->{'start'} or not defined $self->{'end'} ) {
    # We haven't calculated our sets yet, so let's do that for the
    # user now, assuming they want to use the same start and end
    # times
    $self->for_timespan( Start => $start, End => $end );

if ( $start < $self->{'start'} ) {
    return (-1);
if ( $end > $self->{'end'} ) {
    return (-1);

my $period       = Set::IntSpan->new( $start . "-" . $end );
my $intersection = intersect $period $self->{'calculated'};

return cardinality $intersection;


=head2 first_after START

Returns START if START is within business hours.
Otherwise, returns the next business second after START.
START should be specified in seconds since the epoch.

Returns -1 if it can’t find any business hours within thirty days.


sub first_after {
my $self = shift;
my $start = shift;

# the maximum time after which we stop searching for business hours
my $MAXTIME = $start + ( 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 );    # 30 days

my $period = ( 24 * 60 * 60 );
my $end    = $start + $period;
my $hours  = new Set::IntSpan;

while ( $hours->empty ) {
    if ( $end >= $MAXTIME ) {
        return -1;
    $hours = $self->for_timespan( Start => $start, End => $end );
    $start = $end;
    $end   = $start + $period;

return $hours->first;


=head2 add_seconds START, SECONDS

Returns a time SECONDS business seconds after START.
START should be specified in seconds since the epoch.

Returns -1 if it can’t find any business hours within thirty days.


sub add_seconds {
my $self = shift;
my $start = shift;
my $seconds = shift;

# the maximum time after which we stop searching for business hours
my $MAXTIME = ( 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 );    # 30 days

my $last;

my $period = ( 24 * 60 * 60 );
my $end    = $start + $period;

my $hours = new Set::IntSpan;
while ($hours->empty
    or $self->between( $start, $hours->last ) <= $seconds )
    if ( $end >= $start + $MAXTIME ) {
        return -1;
    $hours = $self->for_timespan( Start => $start, End => $end );

    $end += $period;

my @elements = elements $hours;
$last = $elements[$seconds];

return $last;


=head1 BUGS

Yes, most likely. Please report them to

=head1 AUTHOR

Jesse Vincent,


Copyright 2003-2008 Best Practical Solutions, LLC.

This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE
file included with this module.




Please go to config page and find ServiceBusinessHours.
Check that new config was applied. And copy it here please.

Run this command
find / -name -exec stat -c “%n %y” {} ;

and show me the result

Please find the required info below:

{ 'Default' => { 'holidays' => [ '2017-10-19', '2017-12-25' ], '4' => { 'End' => '21:00', 'Breaks' => [ { 'End' => '14:00', 'Start' => '13:00' } ], 'Start' => '9:00', 'Name' => 'Thursday' }, '1' => { 'End' => '21:00', 'Breaks' => [ { 'End' => '14:00', 'Start' => '13:00' } ], 'Start' => '9:00', 'Name' => 'Monday' }, '3' => { 'End' => '21:00', 'Breaks' => [ { 'End' => '14:00', 'Start' => '13:00' } ], 'Start' => '9:00', 'Name' => 'Wednesday' }, 'extra_days' => { '141017' => { 'End' => '21:00', 'Break_Start' => '13:00', 'Start' => '09:00', 'Date' => '2017-10-14', 'Name' => '14.10.2017', 'Break_End' => '14:00' } }, '2' => { 'End' => '21:00', 'Breaks' => [ { 'End' => '14:00', 'Start' => '13:00' } ], 'Start' => '9:00', 'Name' => 'Tuesday' }, '5' => { 'End' => '21:00', 'Breaks' => [ { 'End' => '14:00', 'Start' => '13:00' } ], 'Start' => '9:00', 'Name' => 'Friday' } } }

  1. Output of command find / -name -exec stat -c “%n %y” {} ;

/root/.cpanm/work/1502946126.6794/Business-Hours-0.12/lib/Business/ 2013-08-22 20:44:59.000000000 +0530
/root/.cpanm/work/1502946126.6794/Business-Hours-0.12/blib/lib/Business/ 2013-08-22 20:44:59.000000000 +0530
/usr/local/share/perl5/Business/ 2017-10-10 17:09:54.794545102 +0530

It seems RT uses other version of

Please try next:

  1. Backup /root/.cpanm/work/1502946126.6794/Business-Hours-0.12/lib/Business/
  2. Backup /root/.cpanm/work/1502946126.6794/Business-Hours-0.12/blib/lib/Business/
  3. Copy /usr/local/share/perl5/Business/ to /root/.cpanm/work/1502946126.6794/Business-Hours-0.12/lib/Business/ and to /root/.cpanm/work/1502946126.6794/Business-Hours-0.12/blib/lib/Business/

Restart apache and try to set SLA once more

Still the same result.


  'Default' => {
                 'holidays' => [
                 '4' => {
                          'StartHour' => 9,
                          'Start' => '9:00',
                          'EndMinute' => '00',
                          'End' => '21:00',
                          'EndHour' => 21,
                          'StartMinute' => '00',
                          'Breaks' => [
                                          'End' => '14:00',
                                          'EndHour' => 14,
                                          'StartHour' => 13,
                                          'StartMinute' => '00',
                                          'Start' => '13:00',
                                          'EndMinute' => '00'
                          'Name' => 'Thursday'
                 '1' => {
                          'StartHour' => 9,
                          'Start' => '9:00',
                          'EndMinute' => '00',
                          'End' => '21:00',
                          'EndHour' => 21,
                          'StartMinute' => '00',
                          'Breaks' => [
                                          'End' => '14:00',
                                          'EndHour' => 14,
                                          'StartHour' => 13,
                                          'StartMinute' => '00',
                                          'Start' => '13:00',
                                          'EndMinute' => '00'
                          'Name' => 'Monday'
                 '3' => {
                          'StartHour' => 9,
                          'Start' => '9:00',
                          'EndMinute' => '00',
                          'End' => '21:00',
                          'EndHour' => 21,
                          'StartMinute' => '00',
                          'Breaks' => [
                                          'End' => '14:00',
                                          'EndHour' => 14,
                                          'StartHour' => 13,
                                          'StartMinute' => '00',
                                          'Start' => '13:00',
                                          'EndMinute' => '00'
                          'Name' => 'Wednesday'
                 'extra_days' => {
                                   '141017' => {
                                                 'End' => '21:00',
                                                 'Break_Start' => '13:00',
                                                 'Start' => '09:00',
                                                 'Date' => '2017-10-14',
                                                 'Name' => '14.10.2017',
                                                 'Break_End' => '14:00'
                 '2' => {
                          'StartHour' => 9,
                          'Start' => '9:00',
                          'EndMinute' => '00',
                          'End' => '21:00',
                          'EndHour' => 21,
                          'StartMinute' => '00',
                          'Breaks' => [
                                          'End' => '14:00',
                                          'EndHour' => 14,
                                          'StartHour' => 13,
                                          'StartMinute' => '00',
                                          'Start' => '13:00',
                                          'EndMinute' => '00'
                          'Name' => 'Tuesday'
                 '5' => {
                          'StartHour' => 9,
                          'Start' => '9:00',
                          'EndMinute' => '00',
                          'End' => '21:00',
                          'EndHour' => 21,
                          'StartMinute' => '00',
                          'Breaks' => [
                                          'End' => '14:00',
                                          'EndHour' => 14,
                                          'StartHour' => 13,
                                          'StartMinute' => '00',
                                          'Start' => '13:00',
                                          'EndMinute' => '00'
                          'Name' => 'Friday'


I don’t know it is a proper way or not, but I resolved the issue by adding 1st Saturday as business Hours by adding all Saturdays in holidays list except the 1st Saturday of each month.
