How change link labels

I would like to change the ‘Reply’ and ‘Comment’ link labels within RT to
something like ‘Public Reply’ and ‘Private Comment’ to make their respective
functions more obviously explicit to staff who will use RT only
occasionally. Unfortunately, I have been unable to structure a google
search to return useful information on this topic. I would be grateful for
any hints.

Thank you,



I did something of the sort when a user here said that a particular wording
was not indicative of its meaning (basically, he did not like to see “Input
must match [Mandatory]”). For our case, I modified our installation as



Changed Line:
my $msg = loc(“Input must match [_1]”, $CF->FriendlyPattern);

New Line:
my $msg = loc(“Field must match rule: [_1]”, $CF->FriendlyPattern);

I see the “message” you are referring to in
/opt/rt3/share/html/m/_elements/ticket_menu. Editing the element for your
local installation may or may not be the most portable and maintainable
way, but it worked for our site and nobody was harmed. Since your similar
situation has come up, I would be interested to find out what the usual or
best practice is for site-specific wording. It’s clearly a matter of
preference for our site, and the message in question does not appear
elsewhere (AFAIK), so I left it at that, but perhaps updating
local/po/en.po will turn out to be the recommended way. Some information
about updating translations is here →


MikeOn Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 4:51 PM, Ken Johnson wrote:

I would like to change the ‘Reply’ and ‘Comment’ link labels within RT to
something like ‘Public Reply’ and ‘Private Comment’ to make their
functions more obviously explicit to staff who will use RT only
occasionally. Unfortunately, I have been unable to structure a google
search to return useful information on this topic. I would be grateful for
any hints.

Thank you,



Thanks for your helpful reply. You inspired me to go grepping, and it turns
out that adding these four lines to en.po ‘fixed’ the ‘problem’. The
strings change both in the link labels at the top right of the ticket
history and in the Actions menu.

msgid “Reply”
msgstr “Public Reply”
msgid “Comment”
msgstr “Private Comment”

Would the ‘clean’ way to do this be to create a custom language (say
‘English_Local’) and then set all of the users to that language? I am not



I did something of the sort when a user here said that a particular wording
was not indicative of its meaning (basically, he did not like to see “Input
must match [Mandatory]”). For our case, I modified our installation as





Changed Line:
my $msg = loc(“Input must match [_1]”, $CF->FriendlyPattern);

New Line:
my $msg = loc(“Field must match rule: [_1]”, $CF->FriendlyPattern);

I see the “message” you are referring to in
/opt/rt3/share/html/m/_elements/ticket_menu. Editing the element for your
local installation may or may not be the most portable and maintainable way,
but it worked for our site and nobody was harmed. Since your similar
situation has come up, I would be interested to find out what the usual or
best practice is for site-specific wording. It’s clearly a matter of
preference for our site, and the message in question does not appear
elsewhere (AFAIK), so I left it at that, but perhaps updating local/po/en.po
will turn out to be the recommended way. Some information about updating
translations is here →


MikeOn Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 4:51 PM, Ken Johnson wrote:

I would like to change the 'Reply' and 'Comment' link labels within

RT to
something like ‘Public Reply’ and ‘Private Comment’ to make their
functions more obviously explicit to staff who will use RT only
occasionally. Unfortunately, I have been unable to structure a
search to return useful information on this topic. I would be
grateful for
any hints.

Thank you,



Thanks for your helpful reply. You inspired me to go grepping, and it turns
out that adding these four lines to en.po ‘fixed’ the ‘problem’. The
strings change both in the link labels at the top right of the ticket
history and in the Actions menu.

msgid “Reply”
msgstr “Public Reply”
msgid “Comment”
msgstr “Private Comment”

Would the ‘clean’ way to do this be to create a custom language (say
‘English_Local’) and then set all of the users to that language? I am not

You make local changes to the various language files by putting your
strings in local/po/. For example, if you put just your four lines
above into local/po/en.po, it would be automatically merged with the
stock English “translation”.

Thanks for that helpful hint! I’m off to
/usr/local/share/request-tracker4/po (Debian package install)!

[] On Behalf Of Thomas Sibley
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 3:22 PM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] How change link labels


Thanks for your helpful reply. You inspired me to go grepping, and it
turns out that adding these four lines to en.po ‘fixed’ the ‘problem’.
The strings change both in the link labels at the top right of the
ticket history and in the Actions menu.

msgid “Reply”
msgstr “Public Reply”
msgid “Comment”
msgstr “Private Comment”

Would the ‘clean’ way to do this be to create a custom language (say
‘English_Local’) and then set all of the users to that language? I am
not sure.

You make local changes to the various language files by putting your strings
in local/po/. For example, if you put just your four lines above into
local/po/en.po, it would be automatically merged with the stock English