Hiding Reminder Section? Also Watchers, Approval?

Hi there,
I’m currently setting up rights for the main users of of our RT installation.
On a run-through with one of them, they were confused and distracted by several sections which we won’t be using but are featured rather prominently on the site.
These were:
* the “Reminder” section on Tickets
* the “New Watchers” section on the “People” tab of a Ticket
* The “Approval” link on the menu bar.

I’m hoping hiding these sections are as easy as removing certain rights for those user groups, especially as we’d probably still like the sysadmin to have the ability to add Watchers. Note that these ordinary users don’t have the Watch or WatchAsAdminCC rights, so it seems strange that they can add Watchers (even themselves).

I dread hearing that the only answer is hiding those sections with CSS.


Hi Christopher,

have a look at share/html/Elements/Tabs. In this file you will find the
entries for the main menu and links to the sub menus. Copy the file to
your local directory and modify it there, e.g. delete the part with the
Approvals (I did the same here). But I bet you will figure out how it
works once you have a look at the file.

Best regards,

Christopher Short wrote:

Thanks, I’ll give that a go.

I’ve also discovered that anyone with the ModifyTicket right can add watchers - the Watch and WatchAsAdminCC rights are only useful for people who don’t have ModifyTicket.
I assume this means there’s no way I can turn off “Add Watchers” for people who have ModifyTicket.

I still hope to find a way to hide or remove Reminders.
ChristopherFrom: Benjamin Weser [mailto:weser@osp-dd.de]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 8:16 PM
To: Christopher Short
Cc: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Hiding Reminder Section? Also Watchers, Approval?

Hi Christopher,

have a look at share/html/Elements/Tabs. In this file you will find the
entries for the main menu and links to the sub menus. Copy the file to
your local directory and modify it there, e.g. delete the part with the
Approvals (I did the same here). But I bet you will figure out how it
works once you have a look at the file.

Best regards,

Christopher Short wrote:

Hi there,

I’m currently setting up rights for the main users of of our RT

On a run-through with one of them, they were confused and distracted
by several sections which we won’t be using but are featured rather
prominently on the site.

These were:

            * the "Reminder" section on Tickets

            * the "New Watchers" section on the "People" tab of a


            * The "Approval" link on the menu bar.

I’m hoping hiding these sections are as easy as removing certain
rights for those user groups, especially as we’d probably still like
the sysadmin to have the ability to add Watchers. Note that these
ordinary users don’t have the Watch or WatchAsAdminCC rights, so it
seems strange that they can add Watchers (even themselves).

I dread hearing that the only answer is hiding those sections with CSS.


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