Hiding Configuration menus

I’ve set up RT for our departmenal use and it turned out to be a big hit, so now a bunch of other people have their queues. The problem is, i don’t really like them to look at the RT users list and other configurations. They can’t actually change anything, but the list gets displayed anyway.

What I want to do, is to have the Configure menu/link displayed only for a certain group of users (just us) and not everybody else.

I’ve been playing around with Tabs and somehow could’t find out the right way to do it. I’m not new to perl, but haven’t used RT:: or Mason before so I’m still a bit confused what module to use in which case (but it’s getting better =). A pointer in that direction is greately appreciated.



Have a look at this:


This is an example for you, but I whould be interested if you could write something more and repost it to wiki or to the list.
I am sure more people whould be interested to hide some tabs for their priviledged users.


Samuel-----Original Message-----
From: Simšič Jure [mailto:Jure.Simsic@mobitel.si]
Sent: Tuesday,23 March,2004 23:07
To: rt-devel@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: [rt-devel] Hiding Configuration menus

I’ve set up RT for our departmenal use and it turned out to be a big hit, so now a bunch of other people have their queues. The problem is, i don’t really like them to look at the RT users list and other configurations. They can’t actually change anything, but the list gets displayed anyway.

What I want to do, is to have the Configure menu/link displayed only for a certain group of users (just us) and not everybody else.

I’ve been playing around with Tabs and somehow could’t find out the right way to do it. I’m not new to perl, but haven’t used RT:: or Mason before so I’m still a bit confused what module to use in which case (but it’s getting better =). A pointer in that direction is greately appreciated.

