
Does anybody have any experience using Dirk Pape’s HideGlobalScrips
add-on? (I’m using 3.0.10 & postgresql) I would like some reassurance
that it won’t hose anything up.

As an alternative, is it possible to create a global scrip that
conditionally uses different templates depending on the queue, or a
global scrip that filters the content of the email that is about to be
sent out based on queue name?


Yes, I recently installed Dirk’s add on and am running Postgres. I
provided some changes back to Dirk for postgres. Here is the schema that
you need.

CREATE SEQUENCE queuedeactivatedscrips_id_seq;

CREATE TABLE QueueDeactivatedScrips (
id INTEGER DEFAULT nextval(‘queuedeactivatedscrips_id_seq’),
QueueId INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
ScripId INTEGER NOT NULL default 0,
Status varchar(15) NOT NULL default ‘deactivated’,
Description varchar(255) default NULL,

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON queuedeactivatedscrips_id_seq TO postgres;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON queuedeactivatedscrips TO postgres;

GRANT INSERT,SELECT,UPDATE,DELETE ON queuedeactivatedscrips_id_seq TO

Now, I did have some problems with permissions, that’s why I added the
GRANT lines above. Please note that I did not do a reinstall to ensure
that the above GRANT lines do the trick, but I did execute those commands
manually psql.

By the way, it works great! I love this addition to RT.

danOn Mon, 19 Apr 2004, Kevin Murphy wrote:

Does anybody have any experience using Dirk Pape’s HideGlobalScrips
add-on? (I’m using 3.0.10 & postgresql) I would like some reassurance
that it won’t hose anything up.

As an alternative, is it possible to create a global scrip that
conditionally uses different templates depending on the queue, or a
global scrip that filters the content of the email that is about to be
sent out based on queue name?



–Am Montag, 19. April 2004 14:38 Uhr -0700 schrieb Dan O’Neill

Now, I did have some problems with permissions, that’s why I added the
GRANT lines above. Please note that I did not do a reinstall to ensure
that the above GRANT lines do the trick, but I did execute those commands
manually psql.

I have incorporated Dan’s changes (schema and acl for postgres) into my
install procedure, but could not test it since I run on mysql.

Although you might wanted to have some comfirmance from others than me (the
author) I can say that it works on our site witout problems since 3.0.6 (I

I was very conservative and cautious with the install procedure, but I
cannot 100% guarantee that it is harmless in all constellations.
