Hide some things in SelfService


I modified DisplayBasics to net display Timeworked in SelfService. I
would like to hide also the “TimeWorked” info in history as well as
every history line regarding a customfield value modification.

Any hints?

Emmanuel Lacour wrote:


I modified DisplayBasics to net display Timeworked in SelfService. I
would like to hide also the “TimeWorked” info in history as well as
every history line regarding a customfield value modification.

Any hints?
Attached patch allow filter Transactions on SelfService History page.
Changes are simple, but questions are OK.
Best regards. Ruslan.

SelfServiceLimitTxs.patch (1.61 KB)

Attached patch allow filter Transactions on SelfService History page.
Changes are simple, but questions are OK.

Thanks, it looks great but…doesn’t work for me. Maybe we are using a
different RT versions (mine is 3.0.10).

I put the ShowHistory patched file in
local/html/SelfService/Ticket/Elements instead of
local/html/Ticket/Elements and make use of it in local/html/SelfService/Display.html

Here is the log:

error: could not find component for path ‘ShowTransaction’

80: grep { ($->TransactionId == $Transaction->Id ) &&
->Id} = $_) } @attachment_content;
83: #Args is first because we’re clobbering the “Attachments”
84: $m->comp( ‘ShowTransaction’,
85: %ARGS,
87: AttachPath => $AttachPath,
88: UpdatePath => $UpdatePath,

code stack:

Emmanuel Lacour ------------------------------------ Easter-eggs
44-46 rue de l’Ouest - 75014 Paris - France - M�tro Gait�
Phone: +33 (0) 1 43 35 00 37 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 41 35 00 76
mailto:elacour@easter-eggs.com - http://www.easter-eggs.com

Emmanuel Lacour wrote:

Attached patch allow filter Transactions on SelfService History page.
Changes are simple, but questions are OK.

Thanks, it looks great but…doesn’t work for me. Maybe we are using a
different RT versions (mine is 3.0.10).
I use latest checkout copy of RT, but patch should cleanly apply to

I put the ShowHistory patched file in
local/html/SelfService/Ticket/Elements instead of
local/html/Ticket/Elements and make use of it in local/html/SelfService/Display.html
cd /opt/rt3
mkdir -p local/html/Ticket/Elements
cp -p local/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowHistory
mkdir -p local/html/SelfService
cp -p share/html/SelfService/Display.html
cd local
cat SelfServiceLimitTxs.patch | patch -p0

If still get same error then Mason just don’t search in local/base dirs
on $m->comp() call. Bug report(feature request) goes to Mason guys.

Try apply to share dir, you could allways revert patch with -R option.
cd /opt/rt3/share/
cat xxx.patch | patch -p0

If it works then my conscience is clear. All other devil dances goes to
you because I don’t use this feature. I wrote it just for fun only for
you and tested on core not on local overrides. :slight_smile: Good luck.

Try apply to share dir, you could allways revert patch with -R option.
cd /opt/rt3/share/
cat xxx.patch | patch -p0

If it works then my conscience is clear. All other devil dances goes to
you because I don’t use this feature. I wrote it just for fun only for
you and tested on core not on local overrides. :slight_smile: Good luck.

It works, thank you very much :slight_smile: