----- Forwarded message from “José Angel Sánchez A.” jasa@agroislena.com -----From: “José Angel Sánchez A.” jasa@agroislena.com
To: jesse@pallas.eruditorum.org
Subject: Help with RT
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 13:28:42 -0400
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4133.2400
Disposition-Notification-To: José Angel Sánchez A. jasa@agroislena.com
Hi jesse,
I´ve queue with the option Allow non-members to create requests checked
when i send e-mail to the queue alias RT reply to me with this error.
Original Message:
To: trabajos@agroislena.com
Subject: (Trabajos) - Impresión de Reportes
Impresión de reportes de Impuesto.
Subject: [Agroisleña, C.A. #0] (_rt_system) RT Error: (Trabajos) - Impresión
de Reportes
There has been an error:
There has been an error with your request:
You don’t have permission to create requests in this queue
----- End forwarded message -----
jesse reed vincent — root@eruditorum.org — jesse@fsck.com
pgp keyprint: 50 41 9C 03 D0 BC BC C8 2C B9 77 26 6F E1 EB 91
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