Help with grabbing customfieldvalue at ticket creation

To all,

We've been putting some custom field data in our templates for awhile, 

but the tickets already exist. We are now trying to get some cf data on
an e_mail during creation and having some trouble. We’ve various
versions of "{$self->$Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue(‘Description’)} and
also {my $Ticket_Description;
$Ticket_Description = $Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue(‘Description’);
return $Ticket_Description;}

But to no avail. We need some help help here. Obviously, thereis 

something I do not understand. Is this data just not available from the
ticket yet? I do not have the cf defined for a transaction. Thanks.


But to no avail. We need some help help here. Obviously, thereis 

something I do not understand. Is this data just not available from the
ticket yet? I do not have the cf defined for a transaction. Thanks.

Here’s what I have in one of my conditions for new tickets. It
basically checks to see if the field is valued, and if not, the action
will set a default value:

sub IsApplicable
my($self) = shift;

my($CFNAME) = 'FooBarBaz';

my($q) = $self->TicketObj->QueueObj;
my($cf) = new RT::CustomField $q->CurrentUser;

$cf->LoadByNameAndQueue(Name => $CFNAME, Queue => $q->id);
$cf->LoadByNameAndQueue(Name => $CFNAME, Queue => 0) unless $cf->id;
unless ($cf->id) {
	$RT::Logger->warning("Custom field '$CFNAME' isn't global or defined 

for queue ‘" . $q->Name . "’");
return undef;

return ! $self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue($cf->id);


This works on 3.6.3


Joe Casadonte

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