I have checked out the latest copy of rt with CVS (16/08/2000) and
successfully did a “make install”.
However, when I send email to the “rt” alias
rt: "|rt-mailgate general correspond"
I get the following error message in “rt.log”
RT Mailgate started for 1/correspondUse of uninitialized value at
b/RT/Interface/Email.pm line 301, chunk 14.
Your Mail::Mailer might need patching at
/opt/rt-1.3/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm line 11, chunk 14.
RT::User::UserObj Unimplemented in RT::Ticket. (/opt/rt-1.3/lib/RT/Ticket.pm
line 1783)
and the returned email message contains
----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
"|rt-mailgate general correspond"
(expanded from: rt)
----- Transcript of session follows -----
RT::User::UserObj Unimplemented in RT::Ticket. (/opt/rt-1.3/lib/RT/Ticket.pm
e 1783)
554 “|rt-mailgate general correspond”… unknown mailer error 255
Ack. the mailgate hasn’t kept up with some of the changes in the core.
I’ll try to fix that ASAP.
That’s one of a couple of problems.
I just committed the most obvious fix. do a CVS Update and tell me if it works?On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 09:04:33AM +0200, Jens von Bülow wrote:
I have checked out the latest copy of rt with CVS (16/08/2000) and
successfully did a “make install”.
However, when I send email to the “rt” alias
rt: "|rt-mailgate general correspond"
I get the following error message in “rt.log”
RT Mailgate started for 1/correspondUse of uninitialized value at
b/RT/Interface/Email.pm line 301, chunk 14.
Your Mail::Mailer might need patching at
/opt/rt-1.3/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm line 11, chunk 14.
RT::User::UserObj Unimplemented in RT::Ticket. (/opt/rt-1.3/lib/RT/Ticket.pm
line 1783)
and the returned email message contains
----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
"|rt-mailgate general correspond"
(expanded from: rt)
----- Transcript of session follows -----
RT::User::UserObj Unimplemented in RT::Ticket. (/opt/rt-1.3/lib/RT/Ticket.pm
e 1783)
554 “|rt-mailgate general correspond”… unknown mailer error 255
jesse reed vincent — root@eruditorum.org — jesse@fsck.com
pgp keyprint: 50 41 9C 03 D0 BC BC C8 2C B9 77 26 6F E1 EB 91
I’m reasonably sure that at least two of the electric blue kangeroos
I saw were real.