I’m experiencing some performance issues with my Request Tracker (RT) setup and would appreciate any advice on how to optimize it.
Recently, I encountered the following error message:
Your query exceeded the maximum run time and was stopped. Try modifying your query to improve the performance or contact your RT admin.
Current Configuration:
RT Version: 5.0.6
Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.9 (Ootpa)
Database: MySQL (MariaDB 10.3.39) for Linux (x86_64), using readline 5.1
2 vCPUs
4 GB Swap
Configuration Adjustments:
In an attempt to resolve the issue, I modified the fcgid.conf file by increasing the FcgidConnectTimeout value from 20 to 60 seconds. This stopped the warning from appearing. Here is the relevant configuration:
When externalising attachments, you need to choose the ExternalStorageCutoffSize carefully. The default is 10MB which may not be enough to make a sizeable change in your database. In our postgres database, I used the following query to analyse the Attachments table:
pg_size_pretty(sum(length(content))) as TotalSize,
length(cast(length(content) as text)) as OrderOfMag
from attachments
where contentencoding != 'external'
group by OrderOfMag
order by OrderOfMag desc
OrderOfMag is the order of magnitude of the content field, eg 1234 bytes would be 4, 7865431 would be 7. With the default setting, only records of magnitude 8 will be externalised.
I found that I needed to set ExternalStorageCutoffSize to 10000 to make any significant reduction in the table size.
Note that the rt-externalize-attachments script maintains a “high-water mark” record so that it can speed up subsequent runs. If you modify ExternalStorageCutoffSize, you will need to cancel the high water mark to force it to re-run on previous records:
delete from Attributes where Attributes.Name='ExternalStorage';
SimonW, I’ll just run rt-clean-sessions. If you write that your database is 19 GB and works fine, I won’t mess around and move it to an external drive.