HELP! Mysql and Group woes

I showed up to work today and after several months of flawless RT execution,
I had several hundred complaints from RT about not being able to create
users. This is a problem on all of our Queues.

The e-mail I’m getting looks like:

RT could not load a valid user, and RT’s configuration does not allow for
the creation of a new user for this email (@*).

You might need to grant ‘Everyone’ the right ‘CreateTicket’ for the queue

This is obviously a problem. I’m quite positive the queue is configured
correctly (it’s been working for quite some time basically untouched). I’ve
verified this morning that all of the permissions are in fact correct.

Poking around the logs reveals:

[Thu Feb 19 16:21:44 2004] [warning]: DBD::mysql::st
execute failed: Lost connection to MySQL server during
query at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Apache/Session/Store/
line 86.
[Thu Feb 19 16:21:44 2004] [warning]: DBD::mysql::st
execute failed: Lost connection to MySQL server during
query at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/DBIx/SearchBuilder/
line 410.
[Thu Feb 19 16:21:44 2004] [warning]:
RT::Handle=HASH(0x984b5b0) couldn’t execute the query
’SELECT * FROM GroupMembers WHERE GroupId = ? AND
MemberId = ?’ at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/DBIx/SearchBuilder/
line 417.
[Thu Feb 19 16:22:41 2004] [warning]:
GroupMember::Create called with a bogus Group arg

Followed by a bounce on basically every new user trying to send us a ticket.

PLEASE PLEASE help me… I can’t find an obvious fix and we’re literally
bouncing every e-mail that’s coming in this morning.

Nick Pleis

Nick Pleis wrote:

[Thu Feb 19 16:21:44 2004] [warning]: DBD::mysql::st
execute failed: Lost connection to MySQL server during
query at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Apache/Session/Store/
line 86.

MySQL is dying on your query. The MySQL logs might contain
more clues.
Phil Homewood, Systems Janitor, Ph: +61 7 3435 2810 Fx: +61 7 3891 3630
SnapGear - A CyberGuard Company