
please discard this if not using HeadsUp, because it’s not strictly
related to “core” RT.

i’ve been using HeadsUp sripts for quite some time, but after moving to
new machine and upgrade to 2.0.15 it crashes with error like this:

System error
error: Can’t call method “CreatedObj” on an undefined value at
/var/rt2/WebRT/html/HeadsUp/SummaryByAge line 28.

25: if ($new->Count) {
27: $oldest = $new->First;
28: $oldest_in_sec = (time - $oldest->CreatedObj->Unix());
30: $new->GotoItem(($new->Count-1));
31: $newest = $new->Next;
32: $newest_in_sec = (time - $newest->CreatedObj->Unix());

code stack: /var/rt2/WebRT/html/HeadsUp/SummaryByAge:28

this maybe something with amount of tickets in database, which is close
to 6500, but not likely…

anybody an idea?

Alek Cesarz : NOD manager : ALEK1-RIPE
+48 22 860 69 60 : Crowley Data Poland

please discard this if not using HeadsUp, because it’s not strictly
related to “core” RT.

No! I refuse! :slight_smile:

i’ve been using HeadsUp sripts for quite some time, but after moving
to new machine and upgrade to 2.0.15 it crashes with error like this:

System error
error: Can’t call method “CreatedObj” on an undefined value at
/var/rt2/WebRT/html/HeadsUp/SummaryByAge line 28.

25: if ($new->Count) {
27: $oldest = $new->First;

I’d modify this like to read something like:

$oldest = $new->First || last;

28: $oldest_in_sec = (time - $oldest->CreatedObj->Unix());

30: $new->GotoItem(($new->Count-1));
31: $newest = $new->Next;
32: $newest_in_sec = (time - $newest->CreatedObj->Unix());

code stack: /var/rt2/WebRT/html/HeadsUp/SummaryByAge:28

This will solve the symptom, but leaves the question of why the problem
is happening in the first place…


Deviancy depends on how you define the norm.

I see the HeadsUp directory in the contributions section of the ftp site,
but I don’t see anything that says how this is implemented.

Any clues out there?

Thanks in advance!

Russ Johnson

Don’t use a big word where a diminutive one will suffice

Just copy the HeadsUp directory into either your main rt component
root or your local component root. I put mine in rt/local/WebRT/html/
For a caveat about using the local component root, see

You will want to create a link somewhere that points to the HeadsUp
directory created above.
