Headers in RT 3.x

is there a way to let bypass the headers original (when i mail comes over
the tracker)


Tracker>MailAdr>Queue>Watcher or CC …

Mail comes in Queue and will be send to the CC …but the CC has not the
original headers…in source of the mail then…(like spam headers from
assassin or Mailscanner headers …from mailscanner.info)

thank you

sc2@gmx.at wrote:

is there a way to let bypass the headers original (when i mail comes over
the tracker)

Put something like


in the appropriate Template?
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If anyone stumbles upon this like me, in rt 4.2 to pass on a specific header like X-Spam_score,


I was mistaken. That answer only works for plain text emails. This seems right (with minimal testing)

X-Spam_score_bar: {$Transaction->Message->First->GetHeader('X-Spam_score')}