Grant rights to an existing "ghost" user

Somehow I ended up with a email/user that I can’t grant rights to.

I think I somehow ended up with this “ghost” user when I tried to use
this email as an adminCC before actually creating the user.

When I search for the email/user using WebRT steht zum Verkauf - Sedo GmbH this user doesn’t show up, including
searching for disabled users (other users show up fine).

When I try to create the user e.g. “” rt says: “User
could not be created: Email address in use”.

How do I fix this? something through webRT? commandline? or manually
adding/deleting info from a mysql table?

Thanks for the tips - Mike

Problem solved: I had to email rt, using the “ghost” users email
address help-staff@… Somehow this made it allow me to update the user
and grant rights. I’m curious about the relationships of the mysql
tables involved though…