Getting MSMTP to work

I am having trouble getting MSMTP to work (which I have working on a
previous install). I followed these instructions:

It works from the command line, if I echo pipe in to msmtp.

However, I do not see anything in my msmtp.log when RT is supposed to
be sending a message.
I have rt set to debug logging, and in the rt.log, I see evidence that
it looks like it is looking at sending a message, but no output that
says it actually did send it or if it failed.

Is there another log, or some other logging to enable?



You don’t want msmtp. If msmtp fails to deliver for any reason then RT
wouldn’t re-try later. This setup is open to delivery failures.On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 4:11 PM, SSzretter wrote:

I am having trouble getting MSMTP to work (which I have working on a
previous install). I followed these instructions:

It works from the command line, if I echo pipe in to msmtp.

However, I do not see anything in my msmtp.log when RT is supposed to
be sending a message.
I have rt set to debug logging, and in the rt.log, I see evidence that
it looks like it is looking at sending a message, but no output that
says it actually did send it or if it failed.

Is there another log, or some other logging to enable?


Best regards, Ruslan.