Get the content of a ticket via email commands

Hi all,

we are using the command by email extension. I wonder if there is a
way to include the entire ticket (body) in the email that notifies
the AdminCc members when I change the queue, so that the new
AdminCc person doen’t have to use the browser to see the ticket
that has been moved to his/her queue.

In other words: is there a way to get the content of a ticket via email commands?

Any help will be appreciated.

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we are using the command by email extension. I wonder if there is a
way to include the entire ticket (body) in the email that notifies
the AdminCc members when I change the queue, so that the new
AdminCc person doen’t have to use the browser to see the ticket
that has been moved to his/her queue.

In other words: is there a way to get the content of a ticket via
email commands?

I don’t know that CommandByMail supports what you want, but you could
just add a scrip similar to

On Queue Change Notify AdminCcs with template CustomTemplate

and make the new CustomTemplate that holds whatever data you want

That way any time you change a queue, the new AdminCcs would get an
similar to the default setting which emails AdminCcs on ticket creation
