FW: Seeing approvals

It’s true that the Wiki article has a solution to just this problem, but does that solution work?

Emmanuel, have you seen this work? I have tried both giving a group rights to the Approvals queue and giving the grouups rights to the approval ticket, and in both cases members of the group don’t see the ticket in My Approvals.

It looks like Jesse’s comment in 2006 is still correct, only the owner can see an approval ticket in My Approvals; the adminCCs still can’t?-----Original Message-----
From: rt-users-bounces@lists.bestpractical.com [mailto:rt-users-bounces@lists.bestpractical.com] On Behalf Of Emmanuel Lacour
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 1:20 AM
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Seeing approvals

On Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 02:55:35PM -0800, Roger Mastrude wrote:

On 2/8/2006 Jesse answered a question thus:

Q: I’ve been starting to get to grips with the Approval functionality
3.4.2) and I’m wondering what determines who is allowed to approve
and who can see approvals on the Approvals screen.

A: Out of the box, that’s the owner. It should also be the adminccs, but
I don’t think that’s there yet.

I would like to be able to have approvals visible to all members of a
group, and approvable by any one of them. Has this been added? If not,
do we have an ETA? Is there another mechanism I could use to make this
function happen?

There is an example in the wiki covering exactly this behaviour:


→ Group Approvals

Emmanuel Lacour ------------------------------------ Easter-eggs
44-46 rue de l’Ouest - 75014 Paris - France - Métro Gaité
Phone: +33 (0) 1 43 35 00 37 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 41 35 00 76
mailto:elacour@easter-eggs.com - http://www.easter-eggs.com
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It’s true that the Wiki article has a solution to just this problem, but does that solution work?

Emmanuel, have you seen this work? I have tried both giving a group
rights to the Approvals queue and giving the grouups rights to the
approval ticket, and in both cases members of the group don’t see the
ticket in My Approvals.

Yes, it works, here is my setup:

In the queue which require aproval, I have a script “on create, add
tickets, with template aprovals”.

The aprovals template looks like:

===Create-Ticket: Queue1
Depended-On-By: {$Tickets{“TOP”}->Id}
Queue: Queue1-approve
Type: approval
Owner: rt
AdminCC: {
my $group_name = ‘Queue1-managers’;
my $groups = RT::Groups->new( $RT::SystemUser );

‘FIELD’ => ‘Name’,
‘OPERATOR’ => ‘=’,
‘VALUE’ => $group_name );
Content: {$Tickets{‘TOP’}->Transactions->First->Content()}

I have a queue (disabled) where goes approvals : Queue1-approve.

I have a group of managers to approve those tickets: Queue1-managers.

This group wtach as admincc Queue1-approve.

On Queue1-approve, AdminCC group have the following rights:


And of course, I have some other traditionnal scrips to send email when aproval
is needed, when aproved, when rejected, …

Hope this will help you.


Been trying to use this setup.
Somehow only root user gets the approval request, even though the Group have
several other users.

How can I check the reason ?



View this message in context: http://requesttracker.8502.n7.nabble.com/Seeing-approvals-tp25227p55854.html