FW: Help with mysql tables rt2 -> rt3

Dear PDH,

Great, that narrows the focus significantly, thanks.

If anyone has link to where at mysql.com describes this
it would be greatly appreciated. Or what terms to search
under with their engine… Still searching…

Kind regards,

Dave Dennis wrote:

however in the RT3 server (3.0.9, mysql 4.0.17)
I somehow managed to put up a working RT3 install
that has no mysql tables. Not sure how, but here is what happens:

RT3 uses the “rt3” database. The “mysql” database is none of
its concern (aside from providing the required rt_user account
for RT to access the rt3 database, that is…)

mysql > use mysql;
ERROR 1044: Access denied for user: ‘root@localhost’ to database ‘mysql’

Someone has deleted root@localhost’s access to the database.
That’s not an RT problem, however www.mysql.com does tell
you how to recover from problems like that.

We are thinking of standing up a different mysql 4.0.17 server,
tarring cvf /var/lib/mysql/mysql.tar /var/lib/mysql/mysql
then tar xvf that same tarfile back on top of the existing
mysql install with the fully configured rt3 .

That would be bad. It might work, it might not, and it would
certainly cause your RT3 instance to become unusable.

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